Stories from the Heart premiere a heartwarming success

When we premiered Stories of the Heart, a video about Health Care Assistants’ experiences during COVID-19, the first audience we shared it with were the HCAs and health-care leaders who took part. Based on their reactions, the video’s sincere, honest and sometimes-raw stories really hit some heartstrings.

What HCAs had to say struck a chord with other organizations as well. Choose2Care, a recruitment site for health care assistants, are sharing their experience with the video through a blog post.

Stories from the Heart is more than a series of videos, we’ve matched resources to the theme of each video, and there are links to our entire library of resources specially selected for health care professionals.

You can read some of the reactions from those who attended our premiere in the list below, and if you haven’t seen the video yet, don’t miss out! You can find a short trailer, the full video, and compilation videos of our find composite characters here. (Or subscribe to our YouTube channel for quick access to all of our videos).

  • “So well put together. It has made the HCAs come to the realization that they are valued.”
  • “The film made me feel appreciated, seen, and heard.”
  • “There are days when I wonder if I should continue doing what I do lately. This film, made me feel like I am making a positive difference, and so I think I will continue doing what I am doing…
  • “Very nice hit the heart strings This film was powerful. It was also, at times, hard to watch, as it brought a lot of buried emotions to the surface. Well compiled and well represented. Thank you for manifesting the vision to ensure that HCA are seen and heard in this critical time! My heart is warmed!
  • “As a community care aid, I really feel like someone cared about how we feel out there on our own and helped get this across with this film.”
  • “I felt like there is other workers out there that feel the same as myself, alone sometimes not recognized with what we deal with every day on our shifts. We as home care workers physically are at these homes and see poverty see pain see needs of healing, also shame on the conditions of their home or family situations. Then you have to go home and face your own family which you can see some of the same situations they’re going through. Yes, hearing the stories on this film touched me.”
  • “Thank you for truly hearing me and telling our stories.  It was good soul medicine and touched my heart.”
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