Since the beginning of the pandemic, many traditional supports for grief and bereavement have been disrupted, and the effect of these disruptions on peoples’ grieving process is currently not fully understood.
A new research study by BCCPC is investigating this very question, seeking to better understand the experiences of people who have lost a loved one during the pandemic and the experiences and operations of bereavement support providers.
It is our hope that through this study we may help determine both how bereavement services have been affected by the pandemic, and what is best practice in supporting British Columbians experiencing bereavement into the future. The findings of this study will inform a roundtable discussion to develop priority actions and effective strategies for approaches to help make quality bereavement support services accessible to more British Columbians.
Recruiting bereavement support providers
We are looking for organizations that provide bereavement supports to British Columbians to complete our survey. The survey, which should take 15-30 minutes to complete, asks about the bereavement services your organization provides, your organization’s bereavement services during the pandemic, and your perspectives on how your clients’ bereavement has been affected by the pandemic.
We are also seeking bereavement support providers to participate in an interview expanding on these topics, as well as about your thoughts on the current state of bereavement services in BC and how things could be improved. You can express your interest in participating in an interview in the survey.
Soon to be recruiting for interviews with people who have experienced bereavement
We will soon also be recruiting for interviews with adults living in BC who have experienced the death of a family member or close friend since March 1, 2020. The purpose of this 30-60 minute interview is to understand their loss and experience of bereavement during the pandemic, in particular to hear about their experience with any bereavement supports or services. All interviews will be conducted remotely, by phone or online.
When recruitment opens, we will send further information in an email, and share on our social media platforms.
More information on BCCPC’s Bereavement Study and to take the survey.