Strengthen your core … Core competencies training modules launched!

For anyone working with people who are affected by serious illness – nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians, social workers, counsellors or health care assistants – there are fundamental core competencies that should be part of their practice.


BCCPC has created a suite of learning modules addressing eight key areas of competencies for all health care providers (not just those who deliver palliative care). Designed to be interactive and engaging (and a bit surprising by using comic book imagery), the learning modules are ready to go, uploaded onto the PHSA’aLearning Hub. (Learn more about how the modules were created and how to access the Learning Hub.)


Here’s what you’ll find:

Domain 1: Principles of palliative care and palliative approach

Domain 1 makes sure you’ve got a solid palliative care foundation by covering the key concepts of palliative care and a palliative approach. This module uses a timeline that illustrates how a palliative approach is provided over the course of an illness, and what that care looks like in various settings.

Domain 2: Cultural safety and humility

In this module you will explore foundational concepts relating to culture and how locations of privilege and discrimination impact our experiences of giving and receiving care.

Domain 3: Communication

Domain 3 helps to solidify skills in communication that is person-centred. This module explores foundational concepts relating to communication, including active listening and how to enter into conversations with people about what is important to them and their families.

Domain 4: Comfort and quality of life

A keystone to the palliative approach to care, Domain 4 delves into competencies about comfort and quality of life. This module provides an introduction to promoting comfort and enhancing quality of life for people with life-limiting illness.

Domain 5: Care planning and collaborative practice

In this module, you will reflect on the importance of ensuring your care aligns with the person’s s goals of care. You will also be introduced to three key aspects of what a care plan for someone with a life-limiting illness should include.

Domain 6: Loss, grief and bereavement

Loss, grief and bereavement are often thought of as a “linear” experience. In this module we want to correct this assumption and help you identify that people experience grief differently. Exploring ways to support grief and loss will help you provide considerate and compassionate care.

Domain 7: Professional and ethical practice

Over the course of this module, you will be introduced to common ethical issues in end-of-life care. You will have the opportunity to practice ethical decision making by participating in two scenarios.

Domain 8: Self-care

A vital competency for any health care provider, Domain 8 addresses the crucial need for self-care. Identifying our own self-care strategies and knowing how to support others around us in the workplace results in better patient outcomes, increased patient and family satisfaction, improves health care worker well-being, and prevents burnout.

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