On September 9, 2022, more than 90 organizations were represented at the inaugural All Together: Fostering Resilient Compassionate Communities Through Connection & Inspiration symposium. The event was a lively dialogue about the compassionate communities approach to community-based palliative care, proven benefits, and best practices in various settings, populations and countries.
Here’s the link to view the sessions that you might have missed!
All Together Symposium Zoom Link
Passcode: yN?0HRq$
“Report to Community” summarizes the symposium’s group discussions and feedback.
Please let us know … how can we help you expand the dialogue, brainstorm ideas or support your team to expand Compassionate Communities through your organization. Drop us a line! Conversations@bc-cpc.ca. We are looking forward to continued conversations with you.
As Dr. Julian Abel notes in his book ‘The Compassionate Project’: There is proof that active compassion is unquestionably good not just for people’s morale, but also for their health and wellbeing.