The Serious Illness Care Community of Practice in British Columbia is supported by the BC Centre for Palliative Care. It is a private space for collaboration between interdisciplinary teams providing education and implementing the Serious Illness Care Program at their institutions. This virtual community provides education and implementation support through peer mentoring, sharing of experiences and lessons learned, downloadable materials, videos, and webinars.
If you are encountering issues while attempting to join the community, please contact us at:
A) To become a clinician trained to use the SIC, click here to find a lead in your Health Authority or Centre who can connect you with an upcoming workshop.
B) To become a certified SIC workshop facilitator: attend our SIC Train the Trainer facilitator training workshop and become eligible to access the SIC Clinician Workshop Educational Materials after submitting a Letter of Agreement
C) To become a SIC Master Trainer: (who can deliver the Train the Trainer workshop that trains SIC facilitators) you must apply to us, then present with a SIC master trainer at a Train the Trainer Workshop. You are now eligible to access the Train the Trainer Workshop Educational Materials after submitting a Letter of Agreement
At each level you will be given access to a special community of practice group for further discussion and support, which also contains the necessary approved materials. If you undertake your training in BC, you may be eligible for continuing education credits. Outside of BC, continuing education credits would need to be arranged in partnership with a local university.