Advance Care Planning

If not you, who? If not now, when? National Advance Care Planning Day is coming April 16.

Many of our advance care planning resources are also available in:
Hindi, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.

Advance Care Planning is a process of:

  • thinking about your values, beliefs, and wishes for future health and personal care, and
  • sharing them with the people you trust.

Advance Care Planning can include choosing who would make care decisions for you if you cannot.

It can help you get the care that’s right for you, even if you’re unable to speak for yourself.


Advance Care Planning is part of life planning.

You might have done some other types of life planning already – such as preparing a will, saving for retirement or appointing a guardian for your child.

Advance Care Planning is another type of life planning… it’s planning ahead for your future health and personal care.

ACP chart

Learn About Advance Care Planning

Introduction to advance care planning

Introduction to Advance Care Planning

Learn more about the Who, When and Why of advance care planning.   

English | Simplified ChineseTraditional Chinese | Punjabi | Hindi

3 simple steps

Advance Care Planning – 3 simple steps

Advance care planning can be summed up in three easy-to-remember steps: Think, Talk, Plan.


Advance Care Planning Videos

Looking for a quick introduction to ACP, or some inspiration to get started? Check out these videos.

Commonly Used Terms in Advance Care Planning

Glossary – Commonly used terms in Advance Care Planning

Here is a quick reference guide to some commonly used ACP terms.

Who is your Substitute Decision Maker

Substitute Decision Makers

Your substitute decision maker is the person who will be asked to make healthcare decisions for you, if you can’t speak for yourself.

For info in Chinese, Punjabi or Hindi, go to the “Download Our Resources” tab.

Health Care Decision Making and the Law

Your Rights & Legal Options

Knowing your rights and legal options can bring peace of mind when creating your advance care plan.


Your Rights and Legal Options

Health Care Decision Making and the Law

Your Rights & Legal Options

Knowing your rights and legal options can bring peace of mind when creating your advance care plan.


Legal Rights of People Living with Dementia

Legal Rights of People Living with Dementia

Information on the health care decision-making rights of people living with dementia, as well as 3 informative videos. (The booklet is available in English, French, Punjabi and Simplified Chinese).

Get Legal Help

Get Legal Help

Browse here for a selection of easy-to-access legal resources to help with planning for your future.

Create Your Plan

Advance Care Planning Stories

Advance Care Planning Stories

Sometimes, other people’s stories and experiences can help inspire you with your own ACP process.

Advance Care Planning Examples


Your plan will be as unique as you are. Here’s how some people have made — and shared — their plans.

The Essentials

“Must-haves” to include in your advance care plan

Each plan is unique, but they all share some essentials: the Think-Talk-Plan process, recording your wishes, and thinking about who can speak for you, if you can’t.

The Optionals

Advance Care Planning – Optional additions

Once you’ve decided on the essentials, there are some optional things you can add, depending on your needs: representation agreements, advance directives or medical orders.

Care options to consider

Care Options to Consider in Your Plan

Explore some options for specific care decisions.

Downloadable Resources

More Information

Informative and inspirational stories and videos.


Advance Care Planning Videos

Looking for a quick introduction to ACP, or some inspiration to get started? Check out these videos.

From a healthcare provider perspective - ACP matters!

From a healthcare provider perspective – ACP matters!

Read about the importance of ACP for your healthcare team.

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