Advance Care Planning Cultural Adaptations project – Spreading the model

As the Advance Care Planning Cultural Adaptations project, funded by Health Canada, enters its final weeks, one of the satisfying benefits of the project is taking what has been learned, including the new training and materials that have been developed, and sharing them broadly among the non-profit community.


With materials and methods culturally adapted and translated for the Chinese and South Asian communities, the project team has recruited a total of 70 facilitators (trained in three cohorts) from 28 community organizations. In addition to an adapted approach to training, the new facilitators also have translated materials to use for each community. These materials, and a brand-new option for viewing our online ACP information in Punjabi, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese, are available on our website.


Interested to see if there is an organization near you that’s adopted this culturally adapted model? Here are the organizations who have sent staff or volunteers to be trained as facilitators:


Abbotsford Zion Chinese Church

Archway Community Services






Alzheimer’s ‘Minds in Motion’ Chinese Volunteer Group

Minoru Seniors Society

Richmond Cares, Richmond Gives

Richmond Grace Alliance Church


BC Cancer

Buddhist Vihara Society

Christ Worship Center


Progressive Intercultural Community Services (PICS)

Sanjha Vehra

Trinity BC Homecare

South Asian Cancer Association (SACA)


BC Cancer

Carnegie Community Centre

Chinese Community Policing Centre

German Canadian Care Home



Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood house

Pacific Immigrant Resources Society

South Vancouver Neighbourhood house

Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Society

Vancouver Chinese Lutheran Church

Vancouver Second Mile Society

No Location / Provincial

Canada Chinese Nurses Association

Chronic Condition Self Management Group

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