Advance Care Planning Day 2025

If not you, whoIf not now, when?

Who would you trust to make your health and personal care decisions?
How would they know what you want?

April 16 is Advance Care Planning Day in Canada, and it’s the perfect time to start conversations with your loved ones about what’s important to you when it comes to future health care.

Advance Care Planning is part of life planning – life planning for education or retirement – and can help to make sure you get the care that’s right for you, even if you can’t speak for yourself.

Advance Care Planning is a process of thinking about your values, beliefs, and wishes for future health and personal care, and sharing them with the people you trust. It can also include choosing who would make care decisions for you if you cannot.

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Get involved

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Make your own plan

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Get inspired

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Get involved

Run your own ACP Day campaign

Advance Care Planning Canada has created campaign tools for you to use, including co-brandable posters, social media posts, inspirational stories and fun challenges.

BC Centre for Palliative Care has extra tools for you to use in your campaign, including pre-written press releases, a BC-specific fact sheet, and our ACP Resources Hub.

ACP Guides & Resources (Zip file, 8.6 Mb)

Campaign posters (Zip file, 29 Mb)

Characters (Zip file, 2.1 Mb)

Social posts (Zip file, 3.3 Mb)

Poster for co-branding (Zip file, 3.1 Mb)

Virtual background (Zip file, 680 KB)

Check it off Challenge posters (Zip file, 3.3 Mb)

ACP in BC Fact Sheet

News release template

Community calendar announcement

ACP Resources Hub (with materials available in Chinese, Punjabi, Hindi and English)



Year-round momentum

ACP Day comes around once a year, but advance care planning can (and should!) take place anytime, anywhere.

BC Centre for Palliative Care offers year-round support and resources, so you and your clients can create or update an advance care plan, no matter the season.



Make your own plan

Do you have an advance care plan? Now’s the time! We have easy-to-understand resources and workbooks available to help your advance care planning journey.

get inspired



Get inspired

Need the extra ‘oomph’ to get started? Check out our stories and videos to inspire you take the crucial first step.

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