Advance Care Planning resources now available in Hindi!

BCCPC has taken another step in making advance care planning (ACP) information more accessible for British Columbians by adapting their web-based resources for the Hindi-speaking community.

Materials available in Hindi are a suite of ACP resources including an ACP Checklist, Conversation Starter, Information Booklet and a three-part guide to representation agreements (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3).

As with the adaptation of ACP information and resources to Punjabi, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese, the Hindi adaptation project enlisted the help of community members who developed, tested and improved on the work every step of the way.

“We are so grateful for the help of all of the members of the Hindi community who contributed to this project, and especially to the members of our working group who gave their time, valuable insights and expertise,” says Pam Martin, who led the project. “Projects like these aren’t just about a straightforward translation. We want our resources to truly resonate with people, which means adapting them to the ways in which advance care planning is understood and discussed in different cultural settings.”

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