Looking for more information and inspiration? Check out these videos:
(Watch 1st) Joe’s story WITHOUT Essential Conversations (ENGLISH) (3:27)
(Watch 2nd) Joe’s story WITH Essential Conversations about his health (ENGLISH) (2:48)
(Watch 3rd) Peter’s story WITHOUT Essential Conversations (ENGLISH) (2:32)
(Watch 4th) Peter’s story WITH Essential Conversations with Healthcare Providers (ENGLISH) (2:26)
Want more Peter and Joe? We have a facilitator guide for instruction purposes. Email conversations@bc-cpc.ca for more information.
ACP is for Everyone (ENGLISH) (2:38)
ACP is for Everyone (PUNJABI) (2:45)
ACP is for Everyone (HINDI) (2:48)
It’s as easy as … Think, Talk, Plan (ENGLISH) (4:26)
It’s as easy as … Think, Talk, Plan (PUNJABI) (4:55)
A family’s conversation about values, wishes, and substitute decision making. (from ‘This Is Us’ TV series) (4:49)
Advance care planning conversations (from ACP.ca) (4:25)
Love is not enough (from Advance Care Planning Australia) (3:47)
Walter Gretzky: SpeakUp about Advance Care Planning (from ACP.ca) (1:39)
ACP in the news
Interview with Social Worker Sarb Basra, who shares the importance of ACP both as a daughter, a family caregiver and as a healthcare professional. (20:48) (PUNJABI)
Interview with Jas Cheema on Omni TV. (5:24) (PUNJABI)