In a recent announcement, the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR) included the BCCPC’s proposal on bereavement as one of the recipients of the 2021 Convening and Collaborating awards.
Now well into our second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, and with an estimated nine people affected by bereavement for each COVID death, MSFHR agreed that this timely project will reap long-lasting benefits. The project aims to help bereaved people to access effective supports by hosting a provincial roundtable discussion with participants from all facets of bereavement, from service providers and bereaved people to policy makers and researchers. Their recommendations can also be used to inform the development of supportive policies and future research
MSFHR’s Convening and Collaborating (C2) Program is designed to build capacity for the development and use of research evidence in practice, policy and further research. It does this by promoting knowledge exchange between health researchers and research users.
Principal investigator: Eman Hassan
Co-lead: Marney Thompson
Team members: Marney Thompson (Victoria Hospice Society); Kathleen Yue (BC Centre for Palliative Care); Rachel Carter (BC Centre for Palliative Care); Nicolas Starkes (UBC Okanagan); Heather Mohan (Camp Kerry Society); Jessica Lowe (BC Bereavement Helpline); Shelly Cory (Canadian Virtual Hospice); D’Arcy Wingrove; Annette Berndt