From all corners of the province, 21 projects received funding through Cycle 4 of BCCPC’s Seed Grant program to initiate, adapt, or continue to deliver critical community-based supports for isolated or frail older adults and those living with or dying from serious illnesses, and for their families, who have been disproportionally impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic.
It’s time to bring together this remarkable group and celebrate their success. The event will showcase their work, foster connections, encourage networking and share stories and best practices.
The 15 hospice societies and six community organizations are invited to:
Celebrating Compassionate Communities in Action
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
4-6 pm Pacific time, via Zoom
This action-packed event will feature keynote speaker Connie Stam, time for networking, presentation of the Community Projects Summary Report, a project showcase, and space to share stories, successes and challenges.
A keynote to remember
Keynote speaker Connie Stam is a 2020/21 grant recipient. She is the coordinator of the Compassionate Neighbourhood Health Partners Society in Chilliwack and will be speaking on Psychosocial Supports – Older Adult Neighbourhood Support Project.
Connie began and ended her nursing career in Chilliwack, but in between … what a rich adventure! A midwifery diploma from the UK, an international nursing certification and a year of Spanish studies in Costa Rica set the stage for over 20 years overseas as a missionary nurse in Nigeria and Bolivia before coming back home to Chilliwack for family reasons. She is a founding member of the Compassionate Neighbourhood Health Partners Society (CNHPS), formed in 2017 with the help of a BCCPC seed grant for providing advance care planning sessions in the community.
For more information about the celebration, contact Melody Jobse at