Our team engages, consults, and collaborates with a variety of stakeholders, including patient and family groups, health-care providers, educators, local and provincial community organizations, health authorities, and policy makers.
We are experts and leaders in palliative care, broad system and social change, and program implementation and evaluation.
Dr. Eman Hassan
Executive Director
Dr. Doris Barwich
Strategic Advisor
Kathleen Yue
Director of Strategic Initiatives
Carolyn Tayler
Strategic Advisor
Della Roberts
Special Projects Manager
Tina Lowery
Program Manager, Strategic Initiatives
Rachel Carter
Director of Research
Melody Jobse
Community Engagement

Dr. Julia Ridley
Medical Lead, Education and Partnerships

Joshua Black
Bereavement Initiative Manager
Stephanie Stuerle
Program Coordinator
Lisa Clement
Program Manager, Public Health Initiatives

Pamela Martin
Evaluation Lead
Jas Cheema
Advance Care Planning Consultant
Pamela Warkentin
Communications Lead

Esther Owoyomi
Administrative Assistant
Laura Finkler-Kemeny
Clinical Lead, Serious Illness Communication

Lesley Johnston
Executive Assistant

Simon Anderson
Research Assistant