Defining hospice care: Seeking expert panel members

We’re looking for a panel of people with experience and understanding of hospice societies or community hospices in BC to lend their insights to a new project co-led by the BCCPC and the BC Hospice Palliative Care Association, which aims to establish a consensus-based and evidence-informed common definition for hospice care in BC.

This project will fulfill one of the 10 actions outlined in The Path Forward Report (2020) to strengthen hospice care in BC. Having a common definition used across community hospices, government, the healthcare system and other community partners will provide clarity and inform advocacy efforts that will ultimately improve and sustain the care provided by community hospices.

Expert panel members’ commitment

As a member of the expert panel, you will be expected to complete at least three online surveys between October 2022 and January 2023. Each survey will take about 20 minutes, including reviewing supporting materials.

To express your interest in participating in the expert panel, or to learn more, please email Rachel Carter at

Composition of Expert Panel

The expert panel will be comprised of approximately ⅔ community hospice participants, ⅓ external stakeholder participants, and members of the public with lived experience. Members will also be sought from different locations in BC (urban/rural/regional) and sizes of organisations.


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