ECHO into fall

Logo of Project ECHO, Pallium Canada & BCCPC


school supplies in autumn leaves

It’s time to get excited about the upcoming ECHO series and sessions the Centre will be hosting through the fall.

From key competencies to facing ethical dilemmas, the autumn lineup has something to interest just about everyone.

For more information on our upcoming ECHO series and sessions and to register, please visit


Updates and Innovations 2022: Serious Illness Conversation Training for Facilitators and Clinicians

Presented by Cari Borenko and Andrew Saunderson from Fraser Health Authority
October 20, 2022 at 1pm
Who is it for: Participation will be by invitation for SIC-trained facilitators or champions of SIC.
Fraser Health has developed and implemented a strategic systems improvement model for advance care planning and serious illness processes. This approach helps embed advance care planning and serious illness conversations into existing systems and workflows and leads to sustainable improvements. This interactive session will engage participants to explore relevant tools and resources that guide our work, discuss FHA’s revised education process that prioritize systems and workflow redesign, and review how FHA embeds coaching throughout all of their work.

Ethical Dilemmas in Palliative Care: Psychosocial Cohort 3 – Theme 3

September 16, October 21, and November 18, 2022 at 9am
Who is it for: This virtual knowledge-sharing network is intended for individuals actively working in a clinical role providing care to adults, children and families who are affected by advancing life-limiting conditions. This includes social workers, counsellors, music therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and spiritual health practitioners.

The three sessions in this theme will is upcoming theme will focus on responding to ethical/moral distress and creating a safe moral space within which to ask questions and raise ethical concerns. The first session titled “Broadening the Scope of Ethics in Palliative Care: Shifting towards narrative and relational paradigms” will be presented by Alexandra Olmos Perez from PHSA Ethics. Session two will be presented by the ECHO organizing team, discussing the language of ethics and specific topics of interest. Lastly, the third session will investigate various topics in ethics, presented by participants of the theme who volunteer to speak on a topic.

Implementing Provincial Hospice Volunteer Competencies: Volunteer Competency ECHO

Presented by Tina Lowery from BC Centre for Palliative Care
September 28 at 1pm.
Who is it for: Hospices, volunteer programs in support of palliative care on health units, LTC, or treatment facilities (e.g., BC Cancer)
By the end of this session, participants will have an increased awareness of the Volunteer Competencies, understand that competencies are a foundation to creating a vibrant, engaged, and effective volunteer program, develop strategies about how they can implement the competencies into their volunteer program and strengthen connections and relationships with similar organizations and volunteer programs to continue to share ideas and expertise.
Register here:

Strengthen your Core

The dates and times of these sessions are TBD!
Who is it for: Open to all!
Strengthen Your Core is a program by the BC Centre for Palliative Care about the Palliative Care Core Competencies. The sessions are based on the 8 modules on the Learning Hub that represent each one of the core competency domains. To sign up for the Strengthen Your Core modules on the Learning Hub, see the link below.
Strengthen Your Core! Palliative Competencies – LearningHub (


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