Compassionate Communities

Events for Health-Care Professionals

The team at BCCPC has gathered links to education events designed for Health Care Providers caring for people affected by life-limiting illness. The events are not created or endorsed by BCCPC unless stated in the description.

A Gathering of Loss, Healing, and Hope

Are you carrying sorrow this holiday season? Join Virtual Hospice's free virtual gathering with spiritual leaders from across Canada to find consolation, hope, community, and light a candle honouring your loss. Glen R. Horst, CVH Spiritual Care Advisor will lead a 45-minute virtual gathering featuring consolations and blessings from spiritual care leaders from across Canada […]

Living with Grief: Adjusting to Life after Loss (in-person, Victoria BC)

Victoria Hospice Community Support Centre 102-4450 Chatterton Way, Victoria, BC, Canada

A one-time, interactive workshop covering the basics of grief and mourning, and ways to cope for those who are bereaved following the death of a loved one. This is an interactive workshop that encourages sharing from participants while learning about different ideas around grief and mourning. The workshop is free of charge. Visit the event […]

Hospice Education Days 2023, BC Hospice Palliative Care Association

Tigh- Na-Mara Seaside Spa Resort and Conference Centre Parksville, BC, Canada

Hospice Education Days 2023 Join the Vancouver Island Hospice Federation (VIHoF) in partnership with the BC Hospice Palliative Care Association (BCHPCA) and the Fraser Federation of Hospices for a dynamic and collaborative 2 days of education, training and knowledge transfer to improve the quality of care for patients and families facing serious illness and suffering from grief and bereavement. The event will focus on promoting wellness […]

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