Events for Health-Care Professionals
The team at BCCPC has gathered links to education events designed for Health Care Providers caring for people affected by life-limiting illness. The events are not created or endorsed by BCCPC unless stated in the description.
Palliative Domain
Palliative Pharmacy Care Course
onlinePharmacists are integral members of the multi-disciplinary team delivering palliative care to those facing life-threatening illness, including at the end of life. As more patients wish to remain at home for the end of life, pharmacists are increasingly called upon to contribute expertise in palliative care pharmacy outside of institutional settings. This course, specially designed […]
SIC and Coaching Mentoring Strategies
onlineSerious Illness Conversation Provincial Collaborative ECHO Session Topic: SIC and Coaching Mentoring Strategies Cari Borenko, BA BSW RSW MHS Lead, Advance Care Planning, Fraser Health Authority Andrew Saunderson, BSW, MSW, RSW Social Worker, Advance Care Planning, Fraser Health Authority The health care system and its culture is reactionary and too often downstream focused. As health […]
Creating a Safe Moral Space – The Informed Language of Ethics
onlinePsychosocial Cohort 3: Ethical Dilemmas in Palliative Care Session Topic - "Creating a Safe Moral Space – The Informed Language of Ethics" ECHO Hub team Session 2: October 28st, 2022, 9am-10:00 am Session two will be presented by the ECHO Hub team mentor, Michele Martin from Fraser Health, discussing the language of ethics and specific […]
Ethical Decision Making
onlinePsychosocial Cohort 3: Ethical Dilemmas in Palliative Care Session Topic - Ethical Decision Making Session 3: October 28st, 2022, 9am-10:00 am For this final session on the theme, we invite you to share your experiences of ethical decision-making, and moral distress. Participants will share scenarios they've encountered in their work with participants and discuss in […]
A Facilitated Discussion of the Hospice Volunteer Palliative Competency Framework
onlineJoin Pablita Thomas, Executive Director of the BC Hospice Palliative Care Association and Tina Lowery, Program Manager with the BC Centre for Palliative Care for the hour to discuss and share your experience with the Hospice Volunteer Palliative Competency Framework. In the summer of 2021, the Provincial Competencies for Hospice Volunteers was released. This document […]
Making SICs bite-sized with the Two Question Challenge
onlineSerious Illness Conversation Provincial Collaborative ECHO Presenter: Dara Lewis RN Clinical Educator for the Regional Palliative Approach to Care Education team (RPACE) Vancouver Coastal Health Many patients with serious illness are receiving treatments that may not align with their wishes; in some cases, these treatments may be futile or may cause unnecessary suffering. Serious Illness […]
Serious Illness Care Program Summit 2023: Driving Equity in Serious Illness Communication and Care
onlineJoin Ariadne Lab’s Serious Illness Care Program for our inaugural virtual summit to learn more about advancing equity and access to high quality serious illness communication and care. Participants will gain strategies and tools for improving clinical culture and connect with a community of serious illness care practitioners. Click to Register
Grief Chats Q&A
onlineJoin grief specialists Maxxine Rattner (MSW, RSW) and Marney Thompson (MA, RCC) for the first Grief Chats Q&A – a monthly webinar where they will respond to your questions about loss and grief. Click to Register
Palliative Care Pharmacy
onlineONLINE HEALTH PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Developed in partnership between Victoria Hospice and Continuing Studies at the University of Victoria. Learners will acquire the specialized knowledge and skills to support patients and families as well as other members of the interprofessional team in providing palliative care. Topics include: The pharmacist’s role in a palliative care team […]
Grief Chats Q&A
onlineJoin grief specialists Maxxine Rattner (MSW, RSW) and Marney Thompson (MA, RCC) for the first Grief Chats Q&A – a monthly webinar where they will respond to your questions about loss and grief. Click to Register