Palliative Domain

Events for Health-Care Professionals

The team at BCCPC has gathered links to education events designed for Health Care Providers caring for people affected by life-limiting illness. The events are not created or endorsed by BCCPC unless stated in the description.

Advance Care Planning & Social Work in Canada – Part 1

Organized by Canadian Association of Social Workers and Fraser Health Authority Social workers scope, & skill set - whether supporting people in private practice, community services, corrections or health care - lends itself for us to be leaders in Advance Care Planning. Join us as we learn about the importance of planning in advance for […]

Virtual Teaching Principles

Hosted by Ariadne Labs. What are best practices for virtual teaching? Our second webinar for the Serious Illness Care Community of Practice will be on Tuesday, October 13, from 12-1 pm ET. Andrea Wershof Schwartz, MD, MPH, will guiding us through a session on teaching principles when teaching must happen virtually. Dr. Wershof Schwartz is […]

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