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Events for Health-Care Professionals

The team at BCCPC has gathered links to education events designed for Health Care Providers caring for people affected by life-limiting illness. The events are not created or endorsed by BCCPC unless stated in the description.

Grief in the time of COVID-19: Lessons for social work

Grief is a normal and natural response in this time. Grief is a response to loss that affects our physical, emotional, behavioural, social, financial, and spiritual lives. It does not only occur in response to death; any loss can cause us to grieve. So much is being lost in the midst of the COVID-19 global […]

Resiliency: Coping During COVID-19

CAPC’s Virtual Office Hours are small-group consulting calls with leading subject matter experts. Experienced faculty will answer your questions on a wide variety of challenging topics. Stay for the whole hour, or hop on, hop off. This supportive session provides an opportunity to discuss with your peers how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting you personally […]

Resiliency: Coping During COVID-19

CAPC’s Virtual Office Hours are small-group consulting calls with leading subject matter experts. Experienced faculty will answer your questions on a wide variety of challenging topics. Stay for the whole hour, or hop on, hop off. This supportive session provides an opportunity to discuss with your peers how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting you personally […]

Communicating with Patients and Families during COVID-19

Hosted by Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC). This Virtual Office Hour is free and open to all, but space is limited. Sessions will be added on an ongoing basis. This session will provide an opportunity for the palliative care community to discuss how to navigate communication challenges presented at this time due to COVID-19. […]

#GriefLiteracy: Join the movement!

This event is hosted by the Palliative Care and Nursing Ethics Hub of the Centre for Research on Health and Nursing in partnership with the Canadian Nurses Association. Grief literacy aims to improve how everyday citizens can understand grief and support one another in it. This concept is embedded in a public health commitment to […]

Conversation on Guilt, Trauma, and Reactions to Changing Practices During COVID-19

This webinar is a collaborative effort between the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association (HPNA) and the Social Work Hospice ad Palliative Care Network (SWHPN). Join our seasoned panel of discussion leaders for an open conversation pertaining to guilt, trauma, and reactions to changing practices during COVID-19. Some topics the panel will cover: Loss of immediate […]

Childcare and Caregiving During COVID: Challenges for Palliative Care Health Care Workers

RECORDING AVAILABLE HERE This webinar will reflect on how COVID-19 has brought new challenges for palliative care professionals who also have responsibilities of caring for children, elderly parents, and others, while simultaneously trying to fulfill work-related obligations. The webinar will also solicit input from panelists and participants on balancing home and work responsibilities moving forward. […]

Session 1 Topic – ECHO Introduction 

Competencies – Domain 5 - Care planning & collaborative practice. Advocates for the role of the social worker/counsellor in responding to complex situations. Understands and promotes bio-psychosocial perspective as integral to health and well-being, delivery of care, and goals and decision-making. Challenges inter-professional team, health care organizations, and public attitudes regarding psychosocial needs of people with a life limiting illness. Competencies – Domain 7 - Professional & ethical practice. When appropriate for role, engages in quality improvement, research and knowledge translation to advance practice of self and others, bringing a psychosocial perspective Participants will be able to describe the format and process of an ECHO group. Participants and ECHO leaders will have a common understanding of expectations for the community of practice by creating a Community Covenant. Members of the ECHO community of practice will begin to establish connection through introduction to ECHO Team members, breakout session, and large group debrief 

Managing Through the COVID-19 Crisis

CAPC's Virtual Office Hours are small-group consulting calls with leading subject matter experts. Experienced faculty will answer your questions on a wide variety of challenging topics. Stay for the whole hour, or hop on, hop off. This Virtual Office Hour is free and open to all, but space is limited. Sessions will be added on […]

Wrap-up session Topic – Final Wrap up session – Sharing of evaluation data, participants provided feedback and ideas for next ECHO 

Competency – Domain 7 –Professional and ethical practice -When appropriate for role, engages in quality improvement, research and knowledge translation to advance practice of self and others; bringing a psychosocial perspective. Understand outcomes of the ECHO pilot, Provide feedback on next ECHO program, Contribute to quality improvement and spread of innovation 

Resiliency: Coping During COVID-19

CAPC’s Virtual Office Hours are small-group consulting calls with leading subject matter experts. Experienced faculty will answer your questions on a wide variety of challenging topics. Stay for the whole hour, or hop on, hop off. This supportive session provides an opportunity to discuss with your peers how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting you personally […]

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