Events for Health-Care Professionals
The team at BCCPC has gathered links to education events designed for Health Care Providers caring for people affected by life-limiting illness. The events are not created or endorsed by BCCPC unless stated in the description.
Grief and COVID-19 for healthcare providers: Staying connected in a time of loss and uncertainty
Free webinar through Canadian Virtual Hospice. Presenters: Dr. Christopher MacKinnon (PhD, OPQ) and Marney Thompson (MA, RCC) To join the meeting: To optimize your experience, please download the Adobe Connect application. Please close any other programs or webpages before joining the webinar. *Teleconference is not offered. Please ensure that your computer speakers are […]
“How Am I Supposed to Feel About This?” Addressing Moral Distress Caused by COVID-19
This Master Clinician session provides a unique opportunity to discuss COVID-related issues of moral distress with Ira Bedzow, PhD, Director of the Biomedical Ethics and Humanities Program at New York Medical College, and Senior Scholar at the Aspen Center for Social Values. Dr. Bedzow will offer a framework for examining one’s own moral distress by […]
Best Practices in Adoption of TeleHealth: COVID and Beyond mini-series
This series is open to all primary and ambulatory healthcare workers across the globe using or planning on using electronic information and telecommunication technologies to support and promote long-distance clinical health care and patient education. Telehealth can address COVID-19 and other epidemic situations by limiting exposure to infection for vulnerable populations and health care workers […]
Driving and Accelerating a ‘One System’ Response: Why COVID-19 has Shone a Spotlight on Integrated Care
This webinar is in association with IFIC Canada, the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto and The Change Foundation. It will be chaired by Jodeme Goldhar, Executive Lead, Strategy and Innovation at The Change Foundation and Professor Walter Wodchis from the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the […]
Staying Resilient as the COVID-19 Pandemic Continues
We’ve heard the analogy that responding to the COVID-19 pandemic is a marathon, not a sprint. Health care workers in all positions and disciplines are cautioned repeatedly about the importance of self-care practices so they can go the distance. But now, several months into this crisis, your resiliency techniques may be starting to feel stale […]
Acknowledging and Responding to the Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on Health Care Providers
DESCRIPTION COVID-19 has had a major impact on the psychological well being of health care providers, especially those working on the front lines of care. Building on a previous webinar of a similar topic, this webinar will explore in more detail the psychological impact and effective approaches to help health care providers care for themselves […]
Best Practices in Adoption of TeleHealth: COVID and Beyond mini-series
This series is open to all primary and ambulatory healthcare workers across the globe using or planning on using electronic information and telecommunication technologies to support and promote long-distance clinical health care and patient education. Telehealth can address COVID-19 and other epidemic situations by limiting exposure to infection for vulnerable populations and health care workers […]
Life and work in the time of COVID-19: The Conversation Continues
How has COVID-19 changed your palliative care practice? The Canadian Virtual Hospice and the Canadian Society of Palliative Care Physicians invite you to join a discussion moderated by Dr. Harvey Max Chochinov, featuring Dr. Leonie Herx, Susan Blacker, Dr. Anne Boyle, Dr. Cornelius Woelk and Jan Vandale on Tuesday, June 2nd at 8pm EST. […]
Overview of Managing Common COVID-19 Respiratory Symptoms in Palliative Care and End of Life – A Primer for Front Line Staff
A primer to familiarize front line staff on respiratory symptom management in palliative care and end of life. Respiratory symptoms are common with COVID-19 and managing symptoms related to respiratory illness will be critical to a person’s comfort and dignity. This primer is to provide an overview of management and to improve comfort level of […]
Session 6 Topic – Supporting Children Affected by Serious Illness
Competencies – Domain 5: Comfort and quality of life. Provides developmentally appropriate non-pharmacological interventions within own expertise appropriate including: art, play therapy, and relaxation for relief of distress. Refers to other resources as needed. Domain 6: Loss, grief and bereavement. Understands the characteristics and challenges of grieving for a child or youth. Provides counselling support or refers as appropriate. Explore strategies to assist parents in sharing serious illness information with children, Discuss issues related to connection between the seriously ill person and a child, Review activities that may be helpful for children along the illness trajectory and at EOL
Grief and COVID-19 for healthcare providers: Staying connected in a time of loss and uncertainty
Free webinar through Canadian Virtual Hospice. Presenters: Dr. Christopher MacKinnon (PhD, OPQ) and Marney Thompson (MA, RCC) To join the meeting: To optimize your experience, please download the Adobe Connect application. Please close any other programs or webpages before joining the webinar. *Teleconference is not offered. Please ensure that your computer speakers are […]
The State of Palliative Care in Hospitals: Insights from the COVID Pandemic
Organized by Pallium Canada. This webinar will explore lessons being learned about the readiness of hospitals to provide palliative care to patients with serious illnesses, whether COVID positive or negative. Panelists will share their personal observations and experiences in their respective jurisdictions, and provide insights on how hospitals can strengthen access to palliative for patients […]
Communicating with Patients and Families during COVID-19
Hosted by Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC). This Virtual Office Hour is free and open to all, but space is limited. Sessions will be added on an ongoing basis. This session will provide an opportunity for the palliative care community to discuss how to navigate communication challenges presented at this time due to COVID-19. […]
Dementia Care During COVID-19: Understanding Behaviour
SafeCare BC is committed to providing outstanding professional development for continuing care workers in BC as well as connecting continuing care workers to other professional development opportunities. Click here to register
Managing Through the COVID-19 Crisis
CAPC's Virtual Office Hours are small-group consulting calls with leading subject matter experts. Experienced faculty will answer your questions on a wide variety of challenging topics. Stay for the whole hour, or hop on, hop off. This Virtual Office Hour is free and open to all, but space is limited. Sessions will be added on […]
Resiliency: Coping During COVID-19
CAPC's Virtual Office Hours are small-group consulting calls with leading subject matter experts. Experienced faculty will answer your questions on a wide variety of challenging topics. Stay for the whole hour, or hop on, hop off. This supportive session provides an opportunity to discuss with your peers how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting you personally […]