Events for Health-Care Professionals
The team at BCCPC has gathered links to education events designed for Health Care Providers caring for people affected by life-limiting illness. The events are not created or endorsed by BCCPC unless stated in the description.
The Pandemic Made Me Do It – Moving from “death by PowerPoint” to engaging e-learning
onlineDates: Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021 Focus: Throughout the pandemic, educators have had to scramble to modify in-person sessions to online. Most of the time, the best we could do was PowerPoint over Zoom. The downside was that learners could have the camera off and could be snoozing, not even in the room, or even walking […]
Hospice Volunteer Competency Framework: Introducing the document & considerations for its use
onlineThis session will help you to consider how the new volunteer competency framework document will be of benefit in settings other than hospices, such as long-term care or volunteer-led community groups and organizations that support people effected with serious illness.
Hospice Volunteer Competency Framework: Introducing the document & considerations for its use
onlineThis session will help you to consider how the new volunteer competency framework document will be of benefit in settings other than hospices, such as long-term care or volunteer-led community groups and organizations that support people effected with serious illness.
Webinar Series: Help for the Holidays!
Event hosted by: Life & Death Matters Inc., Hospice Palliative Care Ontario (HPCO) and Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association. These webinars are for Personal Support Workers, Health Care Assistants, and Continuing Care Assistants, and will be beneficial for everyone supporting people with life-limiting and life-threatening illness. The holidays can be a particularly difficult time for people who have […]
Supporting Attachment Needs of Grieving Children – Exploring The role of health care providers with Parents and Caregivers
online“Supporting Attachment Needs of Grieving Children – Exploring The role of health care providers with Parents and Caregivers”
Emily Watson
Canuck Place Counseling and Bereavement Services
Grief Dreams
onlineJoin Dr. Joshua Black, Research Manager for the BC Centre for Palliative Care, to learn about his study and research into Grief Dreams. In this ECHO session, Joshua will explore how you can work with your client's dreams, and he will share with you his Dream Building worksheet. If you work with and provide care to adults, children and families who are affected by grief and loss and are looking for a tool to support the bereaved, join us on Wednesday, February 2nd at 10:00 am. This session is most appropriate for Health Care providers and Volunteers working in support of those who are bereaved.
The Embodied Experience of Young Adults and Adolescents Living with Serious Illness
online"The Embodied Experience of Young Adults and Adolescents Living with Serious Illness"
Andrea Johnson
Canuck Place Counseling and Bereavement Services
Supporting the Bereaved After a Substance Use-Related Death: Building Hope and Resilience in Grief
online"Loss After Toxic Substance Poisoning"
Details TBD
SIC and Disenfranchised Populations: The importance of utilizing a trauma-informed, trust building approach for Serious Illness Conversations with Structurally Vulnerable/Disenfranchised Populations
onlineSerious Illness Conversation Provincial Collaborative ECHO Session Topic: SIC and Disenfranchised Populations: The importance of utilizing a trauma-informed, trust building approach for Serious Illness Conversations with Structurally Vulnerable/Disenfranchised Populations Wallace Robinson, MSW RSW Leader for Advance Care Planning, Providence Health Care
Responding to Existential Distress at End of Life Through Logotherapy – CANCELLED
onlinePsychosocial Cohort 3: Spirituality Session Topic - "Responding to Existential Distress at End of Life Through Logotherapy" Kathryn Calzavara, M.Div., Hons. B.A. Palliative Spiritual Health Practitioner Fraser Health Authority North CANCELLED
SIC in a Cancer Setting
onlineSerious Illness Conversation Provincial Collaborative ECHO Session Topic: SIC in a Cancer Setting Antony Porcino BC Cancer
Shattered by grief: Supporting the search for meaning and sense of self in the chaos
onlinePsychosocial Cohort 3: Spirituality Session Topic - "Shattered by grief: Supporting the search for meaning and sense of self in the chaos" Linda Wollschlaeger-Fischer Manager of Counselling and Bereavement Services Canuck Place Children's Hospice
Shattered by grief: Supporting the search for meaning and sense of self in the chaos
onlinePsychosocial Cohort 3: Spirituality Session Topic - "Shattered by grief: Supporting the search for meaning and sense of self in the chaos" Linda Wollschlaeger-Fischer Manager of Counselling and Bereavement Services Canuck Place Children's Hospice
BC Patient Safety & Quality Council – Towards Unity for Health 2022 Conference
Hybrid AMS Nest at UBC 6133 University Blvd, Vancouver, BC, CanadaTUFH 2022 will be an international, intersectoral and intergenerational in-person and virtual conference with keynote sessions, TUFH documentaries, TUFH Talks, workshops and oral presentations. Registration: Click here Registration closes July 17. Discounted registration tickets are available for Indigenous Peoples – please contact [email protected]. Please note registration rates are in USD. Cost: $25
SIC and Cultural Safety
onlineSerious Illness Conversation Provincial Collaborative ECHO Session Topic: SIC and Cultural Safety Nicole Wikjord, RN, MSN, CHPCN (C) Clinical Nurse Specialist, Chronic Conditions and Serious Illness First Nations Health Authority Elizabeth Beddard-Huber, RN, MSN, CHPCN(C) Clinical Lead Serious Illness Conversations, BC Centre for Palliative Care By the end of the session the participants will: Review […]
CPCNA WEBINAR – A Critical Gap: Improving Palliative Care for Indigenous Peoples
onlineThe CPCNA webinar series is taking a summer break, but mark your calendar for this informative session in September! CPCNA is pleased to present Holly Prince HBSW, MSW (Phd. Candidate) presenting on improving palliative care for Indigenous Peoples. In this webinar you will explore challenges and barriers that limit appropriate healthcare for Indigenous Peoples, identify […]
Broadening the Scope of Ethics in Palliative Care: Shifting towards narrative and relational paradigms
onlinePsychosocial Cohort 3: Ethical Dilemmas in Palliative Care Session Topic - "Broadening the Scope of Ethics in Palliative Care: Shifting towards narrative and relational paradigms" Alexandra Olmos Perez PHSA Ethics Session 1: September 16th, 2022, 9am- 10:00 am The first session titled “Broadening the Scope of Ethics in Palliative Care: Shifting towards narrative and relational […]
Palliative Care Intensive Course
onlineThe Victoria Hospice Palliative Care Intensive (PCI) course offers participants from a broad scope of professional practice a variety of approaches to end-of-life care. Offered online with two days of live webinars and interaction, the next session starts Monday, Sept. 19, 2022, with webinars November 3-4. Offering intermediate and some advanced aspects of palliative care, […]
Flexing Your Core ECHO-Domain 1: Principles of Palliative Care and Palliative Approach – cohort 1
onlineIntroducing a new ECHO series for all Health Care Providers. These sessions are for anyone working with people who are affected by serious illness incorporating the palliative approach to care into your daily practice in any clinical setting. This short 30-minute session is designed to be a vehicle for sharing your own experience, resourcefulness, and […]
Bluewater Palliative Care Retreat
Hybrid AMS Nest at UBC 6133 University Blvd, Vancouver, BC, CanadaThe Bluewater Palliative Care Retreat is offering a world class conference at a beautiful lakeside resort for health care workers and volunteers involved with or interested in palliative care. This year’s conference will highlight important topics in patients with life limiting illnesses with an emphasis on palliative care in the elderly and palliative care during the […]
Flexing Your Core ECHO-Domain 4: Comfort and Quality of Life – cohort 1
onlineIntroducing a new ECHO series for all Health Care Providers. These sessions are for anyone working with people who are affected by serious illness incorporating the palliative approach to care into your daily practice in any clinical setting. This short 30-minute session is designed to be a vehicle for sharing your own experience, resourcefulness, and inventiveness […]