Events for Health-Care Professionals
The team at BCCPC has gathered links to education events designed for Health Care Providers caring for people affected by life-limiting illness. The events are not created or endorsed by BCCPC unless stated in the description.
Information Session Part 1 (Ridge Meadows Seniors Society)
in-personRegister by May 10, 2021 Call: (604) 380-0516 Email: [email protected] (in-person)
Session 8 Topic – Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD)–Bill C-7 Legislative Changes May 2021
Competencies – Domain 5 – Care planning & collaborative practice. Explores MAiD-related feelings, worries, and hopes with people and their family. May provide leadership in case reviews and debriefings. Leads/facilitates inter-professional team and family meetings to plan care that addresses complex psychosocial issues. Advocates for the role of the social worker/counsellor in responding to complex situations. Domain 7 – Professional & ethical practice. Facilitates inter-professional team reflection to identify group values and ethical practices, and the impact of these on people, families, and the team Describe the context of MAiD including changes with new legislation, Bill C-7 Distinguish between desire to die statements and requests for MAiD and describe strategies for responding appropriately to each Identify areas for assessment with a request for MAiD, including the patient, family, and staff Understand how to contact MAiD co-ordinators in each health authority Understand where to look for additional information and resources on MAiD
Conversation Event (Ridge Meadows Seniors Society)
onlineRegister by May 10, 2021 Call: (604) 380-0516 Email: [email protected] (in-person)
Conversation Event (The New Denver Hospice Society)
onlineMay 29th 11am- 12:30pm Please register by May 21st Call: (250)-551-6190 E-mail: [email protected]
Conversation Event (CareRx Vancouver Downtown Pharmacy)
onlineMay 31st 10:00am-11:30am (Online -Microsoft Teams) Please register by May 26th Call: 604-679-1289 email: [email protected]
Information Session Part 2 (Ridge Meadows Seniors Society)
in-personRegister by May 10, 2021 Call: (604) 380-0516 Email: [email protected] (in-person)
Webinar Series: Addressing our grief associated with COVID
Event hosted by: This series of webinars is brought to you through a partnership between Life & Death Matters Inc., Hospice Palliative Care Ontario (HPCO) and Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association. These webinars are for Personal Support Workers, Health Care Assistants, and Continuing Care Assistants, and will be beneficial for everyone supporting people with life-limiting and life-threatening illness. We have […]
Information Session Part 1 (CareRX Vancouver Downtown Pharmacy)
onlineJune 7th 10:00am-11:30am (Online -Microsoft Teams) Please register by June 2nd Call: 604-679-1289 email: [email protected]
Information Session Part 1 (Adult Cognitive Wellness Centre)
onlineTo register Call: (604) 655-0535 Email: [email protected] (online)
Information Session Part 1 (Ridge Meadows Seniors Society)
in-personRegister by May 10, 2021 Call: (604) 380-0516 Email: [email protected] (in-person)
Conversation Event (Abbotsford Association for Healthy Aging)
onlineConversation Event June 11th 10am-11:30am Online or by phone Please register by June 4th Call: 604-854-1733 email: [email protected]
Information Session Part 2 (CareRx Vancouver Downtown Pharmacy)
onlineJune 14th 10:00am-11:30am (Online -Microsoft Teams) Please register by June 2nd Call: 604-679-1289 email: [email protected]
Information Session Part 2 (Adult Cognitive Wellness Centre)
onlineTo register Call: (604) 655-0535 Email: [email protected] (online)
The role of nurses in equity-oriented palliative care
Event hosted by: CPCNA Registration: FREE for Members $40 for non-Members There is limited capacity so register early! CPCNA is pleased to present Dan Grover, RN, BN, BSc and Kelli Stajduhar, RN, PhD, FCAHS, FCAN who will be speaking to us on Wednesday, June 16, 2021 at 9-10am While increasingly recognized as a human right, […]
Information Session Part 2 (Ridge Meadows Seniors Society)
in-personRegister by May 10, 2021 Call: (604) 380-0516 Email: [email protected] (in-person)
Conversation Event (Williams Lake Hospice Society)
onlineWilliams Lake Hospice Society Conversation Event June 22 10:00am-12:00pm For more information or to register contact: Cindy Call: 250-398-0119 Email: [email protected]
Session 9 Topic – Indigenous Health & Well-Being in a Palliative Care Context Part 2
Competencies – Domain 2 – Cultural safety & humility. Advocates for incorporation of the person’s and family’s cultural traditions, beliefs, expectations, and preferences into decision making, care planning, and service delivery models. Facilitates expression and inclusion of the person’s and family’s values, beliefs, and wishes during declining health and bereavement. Advocates for changes in policy to facilitate incorporation of culture into care. Domain 3 – Communication. Provides support, mediation, and advocacy in exploring and clarifying treatment goals and care planning. Domain 4 – Comfort & quality of life. Adapts care to address persons fears and anxieties related to past trauma. Understands, educates, and works with the person/family and inter-professional team about the interplay of spiritual, emotional, social, cognitive, and physical aspects of the person’s past experiences on their current quality of life. Describe strategies for persons in a helping role to assist them in reconciling working within a healthcare system that has and continues to do significant harm to Indigenous peoples and their way of being Describe strategies and approaches people can use in their clinical practice to recognize and acknowledge both the devastating experiences of indigenous peoples both within and outside the healthcare system and the impact of these experiences on their decision-making around access to and receiving end of life care Describe strategies and approaches people can use in their clinical practice to honour and value the stories of Indigenous peoples in a respectful way that builds trusting relationships and allyship, fosters connections, and allows Indigenous voices to be heard at all stages of life
ACP Information Session 1 ( Williams Lake Hospice)
onlineWilliams Lake Hospice ACP Information Session 1 June 24 10:00am-12:00pm For more information or to register contact: Cindy Call: 250-398-0119 Email: [email protected]
ACP Information Session 2 ( Williams Lake Hospice)
onlineWilliams Lake Hospice Society ACP Information Session 2 June 25 10:00am-12:00pm For more information or to register contact: Cindy Call: 250-398-0119 Email: [email protected]
Wrap-up session Topic – Sharing of evaluation data, opportunities for experiential sharing and feedback for current ECHO cohort and implications for future cohort planning
Competencies – Domain 7 – Professional & ethical practice. Engages in quality improvement, research and knowledge translation to advance practice of self and others; bringing a psychosocial perspective. Domain 8 – Self care. Provide education and support to enhance inter-professional team members’ resilience in partnership with organizational leadership. Promotes an organizational culture that is safe for expression of multiple perspectives and practicing within ambiguity. Understand outcomes of the Current ECHO cohort group Provide feedback on format, structure, composition, and content of current and next ECHO cohort group Contribute to quality improvement and spread of innovation in PC practice through sharing of personal and professional experiences as an active member of an ECHO community of practice
Webinar Series: Fatigue, burnout, and resilience
Event hosted by: Life & Death Matters Inc., Hospice Palliative Care Ontario (HPCO) and Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association. These webinars are for Personal Support Workers, Health Care Assistants, and Continuing Care Assistants, and will be beneficial for everyone supporting people with life-limiting and life-threatening illness. During this past year, many PSWs have experienced fatigue, burnout and exhaustion. […]
Kids Grief Q and A
Event hosted by: Canadian Virtual Hospice Event cost: Free Andrea Warnick, children's grief therapist answers your questions. To stay informed about the date and time of upcoming webinars and to receive webinar links and recordings click here
Webinar Series: What to say when you don’t know what to say
Event hosted by: Life & Death Matters Inc., Hospice Palliative Care Ontario (HPCO) and Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association. These webinars are for Personal Support Workers, Health Care Assistants, and Continuing Care Assistants, and will be beneficial for everyone supporting people with life-limiting and life-threatening illness. “My biggest fear is not knowing what to say…” “What is someone […]
Webinar Series: “But they’re not palliative yet!”
Event hosted by: Life & Death Matters Inc., Hospice Palliative Care Ontario (HPCO) and Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association. These webinars are for Personal Support Workers, Health Care Assistants, and Continuing Care Assistants, and will be beneficial for everyone supporting people with life-limiting and life-threatening illness. Time to address the myths of palliative care! Learn how integrating a palliative […]
The Pandemic Made Me Do it! Moving from “death by PowerPoint” to engaging e-learning
onlineFor EDUCATORS Throughout the pandemic, educators have had to scramble to modify in-person sessions to online, often ending up with "death by PowerPoint" over Zoom. The downside was that learners may have the camera off, and not even in the room; the upside is that online training gave those living in rural and remote areas […]
The Pandemic Made Me Do It – Moving from “death by PowerPoint” to engaging e-learning
onlineDates: Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021 Focus: Throughout the pandemic, educators have had to scramble to modify in-person sessions to online. Most of the time, the best we could do was PowerPoint over Zoom. The downside was that learners could have the camera off and could be snoozing, not even in the room, or even walking […]