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Events for Health-Care Professionals

The team at BCCPC has gathered links to education events designed for Health Care Providers caring for people affected by life-limiting illness. The events are not created or endorsed by BCCPC unless stated in the description.

Grief Dreams


Join Dr. Joshua Black, Research Manager for the BC Centre for Palliative Care, to learn about his study and research into Grief Dreams. In this ECHO session, Joshua will explore how you can work with your client's dreams, and he will share with you his Dream Building worksheet. If you work with and provide care to adults, children and families who are affected by grief and loss and are looking for a tool to support the bereaved, join us on Wednesday, February 2nd at 10:00 am. This session is most appropriate for Health Care providers and Volunteers working in support of those who are bereaved. 

SIC and Disenfranchised Populations: The importance of utilizing a trauma-informed, trust building approach for Serious Illness Conversations with Structurally Vulnerable/Disenfranchised Populations​​


Serious Illness Conversation Provincial Collaborative ECHO Session Topic: SIC and Disenfranchised Populations: The importance of utilizing a trauma-informed, trust building approach for Serious Illness Conversations with Structurally Vulnerable/Disenfranchised Populations​​ Wallace Robinson, MSW RSW Leader for Advance Care Planning, Providence Health Care

SIC in a Cancer Setting


Serious Illness Conversation Provincial Collaborative ECHO Session Topic: SIC in a Cancer Setting Antony Porcino BC Cancer

SIC and Cultural Safety


Serious Illness Conversation Provincial Collaborative ECHO Session Topic: SIC and Cultural Safety Nicole Wikjord, RN, MSN, CHPCN (C) Clinical Nurse Specialist, Chronic Conditions and Serious Illness First Nations Health Authority Elizabeth Beddard-Huber, RN, MSN, CHPCN(C) Clinical Lead Serious Illness Conversations, BC Centre for Palliative Care By the end of the session the participants will: Review […]

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