Events for Health-Care Professionals
The team at BCCPC has gathered links to education events designed for Health Care Providers caring for people affected by life-limiting illness. The events are not created or endorsed by BCCPC unless stated in the description.
N95 Fit Testing
Hosted by SafeCare BC We understand that fit-testing services for N95 respirators have become more scarce in some areas due to the pandemic and that this is a challenge for some of our members. We want to ensure that care settings that wish to fit-test their staff – for example, so that care staff can […]
Family Medicine Forum (FMF) virtual conference: New World. New Experience
Family Medicine Forum (FMF) virtual conference: New World. New Experience Nov 4-7, 2020 Join Canadian Virtual Hospice's Dr. Christopher MacKinnon, PhD, Dr. Cornie Woelk, MD, CCFP(PC), FCFP, and Viola Woelk's presentation: Physicians, Heal Thyselves: Responding to workplace-related grief on November 6, 2020, at 11:30 a.m. EST. This 1-credit-per-hour Group Learning program has been certified by […]
Processing Trauma Experiences with Palliative Care Clients and Their Families
Hospice Palliative Care Ontario (HPCO) and Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association (CHPCA) invites you to attend Processing Trauma Experiences with Palliative Care Clients and Their Families 5 Part Webinar Series Many Hospice Palliative Care Caregivers feel that they do not have the necessary skills and experience to help a Hospice Palliative Care Client process a […]
Sharing Stresses and Successes Town Hall
The Canadian Hospice and Palliative Care Nurses Group is hosting our a Town Hall on Wednesday November 4th at 1900 (EST) titled ‘Sharing Stresses and Successes’. We have found through sharing that many of us are doing just fine and finding way to effectively adapt and make it through COVID-19, and some still face various […]
CANO/ACIO 2020 virtual conference: The Virtual Edition
Join us November 6 - 8 for the virtual edition of the CANO/ACIO 2020 Annual Conference. 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone on many fronts…emotionally, financially, and professionally. This year’s conference theme “Now and Forever Oncology Nursing” highlights both the importance and longevity of our specialty in cancer patient care. 2020 also has […]
The Impact of COVID-Related Grief on Palliative Care Clinicians
Center to Advance Palliative Care - Master Clinician Series Ray Hanbury, PhD, ABPP Chief Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry; Director of Psychology Education, Jersey Shore University Medical Center In this Master Clinician, Dr. Hanbury, a trauma psychology specialist, will present a framework for understanding loss and grief. After outlining natural responses to loss, Dr. Hanbury will […]
CHPCA’s Learning Institute
Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association 2020 Virtual Learning Institute Stream 1 - Communication in Serious Illness: An Innovative Approach to Clinical Care and Quality Improvements Faculty: Justin J Sanders, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Ariadne Labs; Nicole Wikjord, First Nations Health Authority; Kathleen Tue, BC Centre for Palliative Care; Dr. Gillian Fyles, BC Centre for Palliative […]
Media Relations, Social Media, Crisis Communications
Hospice Palliative Care Ontario and Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association invites you to attend a suite of webinars on Media Relations, Social Media, Crisis Communication Begins Thurs, Nov 19 9-10am PST The following suite of sessions focusses on understanding and preparing for communications planning, media relations and social media. Each session is led by former […]
Media Relations, Social Media, Crisis Communications
Hospice Palliative Care Ontario and Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association invites you to attend a suite of webinars on Media Relations, Social Media, Crisis Communication Begins Thurs, Nov 19 9-10am PST The following suite of sessions focusses on understanding and preparing for communications planning, media relations and social media. Each session is led by former […]
Expand Your Influence as a Leader in Dementia Care
Hosted by SafeCare BC Your influence as a leader has a major impact on the success of your organization and the company culture. With the growing percentage of residents living with symptoms of dementia in long-term care homes, enhanced skills and transformed mindsets will be necessary. Join Karen Tyrell a Dementia Consultant and Joanna Li […]
Session 3 Topic – Anti Racist Practice–Anti-Racist Tools for the Palliative Care Context Part 1
Competencies – Domain 1 – Principles of PC & palliative approach. Promotes and supports the adaptation of palliative principles in all care settings through capacity building of other care providers/community partners as appropriate for role. Domain 2 – Cultural safety & humility. Advocates for incorporation of the person’s and family’s cultural traditions, beliefs, expectations, and preferences into decision making, care planning and service delivery models. Advocates for changes in policy to facilitate incorporation of culture into care. Domain 4 – Comfort & quality of life. Adapts care to address person’s fears and anxieties related to past trauma. Domain 7 – Professional & ethical practice. Participates in community awareness and engagement activities to build understanding, capacity, and inclusion. Addresses micro, meso, and macro factors that influence PC (e.g., internal and external barriers, social determinants of health). Domain 8 – Self care. Identifies team and organizational barriers and issues and works collaboratively to address them. Promotes an organizational culture that is safe for expression of multiple perspectives and practicing within ambiguity. Define the concept of race as a social construct and identify the ways it is manifested systemically. Describe how to Link PC practice to Anti-Racist practice through honouring our values and each other at the organizational level. Describe the barriers to responding to racism and identify how racism in the workplace impacts individual staff, clients, client service, and organizational culture. Describe how to respond competently to racial comments, behaviours or policies in the workplace setting through a stance of cultural humility (compassionate, reflective, non-judgmental). Develop a deeper understanding of intersectionality, privilege, and marginalization.Describe how to advocate against racist and discriminatory remarks and systems. Understand and describe how end of life circumstances present challenges and opportunities in cultural understandings of “Quality of Life”.
Media Relations, Social Media, Crisis Communications
Hospice Palliative Care Ontario and Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association invites you to attend a suite of webinars on Media Relations, Social Media, Crisis Communication Begins Thurs, Nov 19 9-10am PST The following suite of sessions focusses on understanding and preparing for communications planning, media relations and social media. Each session is led by former […]