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Events for Health-Care Professionals

The team at BCCPC has gathered links to education events designed for Health Care Providers caring for people affected by life-limiting illness. The events are not created or endorsed by BCCPC unless stated in the description.

Session 5 Topic –  Supporting children–Play Therapy: Exploring Serious Illness & How to Help 

Competencies – Domain 1 – Principles of PC & palliative approach. Utilizes a holistic approach to care with awareness of how illness, death and bereavement impacts all aspects of person’s and family’s functioning. Domain 2 – Cultural safety & humility. Facilitates expression and inclusion of the person’s and family’s values, beliefs, and wishes during declining health and bereavement. Domain 3 – Communication. Facilitates different conversations with families and members of the inter-professional team. Understands how fatigue, weakness and imminent death may impact communication and helps person/family and inter-professional teams interpret other forms of communication (e.g., symbolic communication, gestures, facial expressions).  Domain 5 – Comfort & quality of life. Provides developmentally appropriate non-pharmacological interventions within own expertise appropriate including art, play therapy, and relaxation for relief of distress. Refers to other resources as needed.  Domain 6 – Loss, grief, and bereavement. Understands the characteristics and challenges of grieving for a child or youth. Provides counselling support or refers as appropriate. Domain 8 – Self care. Understands and attends to the impact of death, dying, and bereavement on caregivers (self, family, team, professionals). Describe strategies to assist parents/caregivers in sharing serious illness information appropriately with children  Describe issues and barriers related to connection between the seriously ill person and a child and how to address same  Describe activities and play therapy techniques that may be helpful for children along the illness trajectory and at EOL 

Briefing: Palliative Care Outlook in 2021 – Results of a National Survey (USA)

Join us as Dr. Diane Meier reveals the findings of CAPC’s second COVID field survey. Nearly a year into the crisis, how has COVID-19 affected palliative care programs? Who should attend: All palliative care professionals, and all health professionals focused on strengthening care for patients with serious illness during the COVID-19 pandemic. CAPC is located […]

Part 1: Learn How to Facilitate Well-Being Debriefings within Your Organization

The COVID-19 pandemic is taking a stunning toll on the emotional well-being of health care workers. Many of us are looking for proven strategies to mitigate the natural stress, empathy strain, and moral distress that we are experiencing. In this two-part webinar series, Vickie Leff, LCSW, will train attendees to be peer facilitators for well-being […]

CPCNA Sharing Stresses and Successes: Wellness Check-In

Canadian Palliative Care Nursing Association Town Halls (COVID-19) This is an opportunity to connect with palliative care nurses from across Canada to share our stresses and successes in practice in the face of COVID- 19. Michelle O'Rourke, a nurse author and counsellor, will guide our discussion as we discuss how we are doing after a […]

Webinar: Adapting the Serious Illness Conversation Guide for Pediatrics and Polypharmacy

Hosted by: Ariadne Labs Many members of the Community of Practice have expressed interest in adapting the Serious Illness Conversation Guide to better serve their specific patient population or practice setting. This month, we welcome Drs. Danielle DeCourcey and Kristie Weir to describe why they chose to use the conversation guide and how they adapted […]

Advance Care Planning and Goals of Care Discussions: Getting us all on the same page (plus practical tips!)

Event Organizer: Pallium Canada Event Host and Moderator: Dr. José Pereira MBChB, CFPC(PC), MSc, FCFP Panelists: Jeff Myers MD, MSEd, CCFP(PC) and Leah Steinberg MD, MA, CFCP Despite advance care planning (ACP) and goals of care discussions (GOCD) becoming healthcare priorities, there remains widespread uncertainties about the overall purpose, approaches and outcomes of ACP and GOCD. This […]

Illness, Suffering and Spirituality: The Path to Hope and Healing

Event Organizer: Compassionate Ottawa Event Cost: Free In this conversation, Lorraine M. Wright will talk with Marion Rattray about practical and thoughtful ways that we can engage with each other when neighbours, friends, or patients are experiencing serious illness or loss in their lives, or are caring for a family member. Lorraine will draw on […]


Session 6 Topic – Prolonged Grief Disorder 

Competencies – Domain 1 – Principles of PC & palliative approach. Utilizes a holistic approach to care with awareness of how illness, death and bereavement impacts all aspects of person’s and family’s functioning.  Domain 3 – Communication. Provides the person and family/caregiver bereavement counselling and psychosocial education through evidence-based frameworks, if within role and expertise.  Domain 6: Loss, grief, & bereavement. Expert consultant regarding loss, grief, and bereavement. Assesses complex grief reactions and situations, such as multiple loss, traumatic loss, and pre-existing vulnerabilities including mental illness and addiction, abuse, and neglect. Domain 8 – Self care. Understands and attends to the impact of death, dying and bereavement on caregivers (self, family, team, professionals). Identify and define Prolonged Grief and distinguish it from ‘normal’ grief Understand and describe the prevalence and psychosocial correlates of Prolonged Grief  Discuss and describe the theoretical orientations and basic interventions used in Complicated Grief Treatment (CGT) 

Part 2: Learn How to Facilitate Well-Being Debriefings within Your Organization

The COVID-19 pandemic is taking a stunning toll on the emotional well-being of health care workers. Many of us are looking for proven strategies to mitigate the natural stress, empathy strain, and moral distress that we are experiencing. Peer-facilitated well-being debriefings are an evidence-based way to provide support to health care workers; they increase social […]

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