Events for Health-Care Professionals
The team at BCCPC has gathered links to education events designed for Health Care Providers caring for people affected by life-limiting illness. The events are not created or endorsed by BCCPC unless stated in the description.
COVID-19 Through a Quality Lens: How a Pandemic Pushed Advanced Care Planning to the Forefront
COVID-19 Through a Quality Lens: How a Pandemic Pushed Advanced Care Planning to the Forefront In this webinar, you will learn how the Fraser Health Advance Care Planning Team responded to the increased need to support patients in Advance Care Planning by: • Creating COVID-19 specific tools such as Serious Illness Conversations Guide and supportive […]
Kaleidoscope 2020 – Virtual Grief Convention for Families and Professionals
Kaleidoscope 2020 is the Camp Kerry Society’s first Virtual Grief Convention for Families and Professionals. From September 24 – 27th, we will gather as a community impacted by serious illness, grief and loss to share in four days of connection, inspired learning and hope. Expect to participate in a wide range of workshops, experiential sessions […]
The Leader’s Role: Forging New Paths for Racial and Health Equity
Organized by Center to Advance Palliative Care The first six months of 2020 have presented unprecedented challenges to palliative care program leaders, first with the COVID-19 pandemic, and then with much-needed attention to racial injustice. Those two intersect when one considers the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on people of color. This webinar, part of CAPC’s […]
Pediatric Palliative Care
Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) - Virtual Office Hours Pediatric Palliative Care Ask questions related to strategic planning, program development, communication techniques, and managing operations for the pediatric palliative care program. Questions from previous sessions include: • What guidance do you have for communicating with families about palliative care services? • How do you […]
Advance Care Planning & Social Work in Canada – Part 1
Organized by Canadian Association of Social Workers and Fraser Health Authority Social workers scope, & skill set - whether supporting people in private practice, community services, corrections or health care - lends itself for us to be leaders in Advance Care Planning. Join us as we learn about the importance of planning in advance for […]
Resiliency: Coping During COVID-19
This supportive session provides an opportunity to discuss with your peers how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting you personally and professionally, and to process feelings of anxiety, grief, and uncertainty. Questions and discussion topics for this session may include: • Perspective and advice from peers on what is or is not working • Navigating obstacles […]
Virtual Teaching Principles
Hosted by Ariadne Labs. What are best practices for virtual teaching? Our second webinar for the Serious Illness Care Community of Practice will be on Tuesday, October 13, from 12-1 pm ET. Andrea Wershof Schwartz, MD, MPH, will guiding us through a session on teaching principles when teaching must happen virtually. Dr. Wershof Schwartz is […]
Children’s hospice palliative care: it takes a village
In celebration of National Hospice Palliative Care day for Children 2020, the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association is inviting you to a fireside chat “Children’s hospice palliative care: it takes a village”. Directly or indirectly, we all have a role to play in the interconnected networks of care required to deliver children’s hospice palliative care […]
Tele-palliative Care and COVID-19: Connection at a Distance
This Virtual Office Hour is free and open to all, but space is limited. Sessions will be added on an ongoing basis. This session will provide an opportunity to share information as it relates to technical assistance (e.g., virtual platforms, HIPAA considerations) and framing virtual encounters (i.e., an effective telehealth visit). Ask questions and discuss […]
The 31st Annual Palliative Education & Research Day
Invitation to Register - Virtual Event Our first priority remains the health and safety of delegates, our colleagues, and the communities in which we live and work. Covenant Health is proud to continually support and provide delegates with the opportunity to gather, share experiences and exchange ideas with colleagues representing many disciplines from all […]
Palliative CME Day 2020
The UBC Division of Palliative Care invites you to attend this series of 40-minute virtual presentations aim to share key messages learned from new Palliative Care initiatives in a variety of settings. These include urban emergency rooms, a rural hospice, a palliative outpatient clinic, vulnerable urban populations (including those with substance use disorders, unstable homing situations, and […]
Resiliency: Coping During COVID-19
This supportive session provides an opportunity to discuss with your peers how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting you personally and professionally, and to process feelings of anxiety, grief, and uncertainty. Questions and discussion topics for this session may include: • Perspective and advice from peers on what is or is not working • Navigating obstacles […]
Advance Care Planning & Social Work in Canada – Part 2: Action Planning
Presented by Canadian Association of Social Workers and Fraser Health Authority Make sure you watch Part 1 of this two-part webinar series with the CASW and Fraser Health Authority! Part 1:;F:QS!10100&S... Social workers scope, & skill set - whether supporting people in private practice, community services, corrections or health care - lends itself for […]
Pediatric Palliative Care
Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) - Virtual Office Hours Pediatric Palliative Care Ask questions related to strategic planning, program development, communication techniques, and managing operations for the pediatric palliative care program. Questions from previous sessions include: • What guidance do you have for communicating with families about palliative care services? • How do you […]
Session 2 Topic – Leadership & Education in PC Practice–Leadership, Advocacy & Education in Psychosocial Palliative Care
Competencies – Domain 7 - Professional & ethical practice. When appropriate for role, engages in quality improvement, research and knowledge translation to advance practice of self and others, bringing a psychosocial perspective. Educates others (teams, learners, systems, community) regarding psychosocial palliative care (PC) and palliative approach. Takes leadership in policy, program development and delivery of psychosocial PC as appropriate for role. Identify “teachable moments” to educate (teams, learners, systems, community) and describe strategies to advocate for psychosocial PC and the palliative approach to advance practice of self and others. Describe opportunities to engage and bring a psychosocial perspective to quality improvement, research, and knowledge translation. Describe their role and responsibility in leadership in policy, program development and delivery of psychosocial PC
World Hospice and Palliative Care Day Special Lecture
The National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE), in collaboration with the Institute for Life Course and Aging (ILCA) at the University of Toronto and Pallium Canada, is hosting the World Hospice and Palliative Care Day Special Lecture as a way to honour international leaders in the field of hospice palliative care and […]
Psychological Support Toolkit for Workers and Employers Part 5
SafeCare BC is pleased to support the BC Municipal Safety Association and Work to Wellness on the Psychological Support Toolkit for Workers and Employers. This Toolkit includes a five-part webinar series, plus free education, tools, and resources to support workers and employers whose mental health has been affected by COVID-19. In this session, Diana Vissers […]
Covid-19 Conscious Provincial Violence Prevention Curriculum (PVPC) Workshop
Abbotsford Menno PlaceAre you a care worker that faces the risk of violence during your work day? Do you have the tools and training needed to de-escalate unpredictable and potentially dangerous situations? Injuries arising from acts of violence or aggression are one of the leading injury–types among continuing care workers. These types of situations can often be avoided or managed by using current and leading-practice violence prevention skills and techniques. Taking a […]
Managing Through the COVID-19 Crisis
Center to Advance Palliative Care This Virtual Office Hour is free and open to all, but space is limited. Sessions will be added on an ongoing basis. This session will provide an opportunity to discuss managing the before, during, and after of the COVID-19 pandemic and the short- and long-term impact on your palliative care […]
N95 Fit Testing
Hosted by SafeCare BC We understand that fit-testing services for N95 respirators have become more scarce in some areas due to the pandemic and that this is a challenge for some of our members. We want to ensure that care settings that wish to fit-test their staff – for example, so that care staff can […]