Events for Health-Care Professionals
The team at BCCPC has gathered links to education events designed for Health Care Providers caring for people affected by life-limiting illness. The events are not created or endorsed by BCCPC unless stated in the description.
CANO/ACIO 2020 virtual conference: The Virtual Edition
Join us November 6 - 8 for the virtual edition of the CANO/ACIO 2020 Annual Conference. 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone on many fronts…emotionally, financially, and professionally. This year’s conference theme “Now and Forever Oncology Nursing” highlights both the importance and longevity of our specialty in cancer patient care. 2020 also has […]
The Impact of COVID-Related Grief on Palliative Care Clinicians
Center to Advance Palliative Care - Master Clinician Series Ray Hanbury, PhD, ABPP Chief Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry; Director of Psychology Education, Jersey Shore University Medical Center In this Master Clinician, Dr. Hanbury, a trauma psychology specialist, will present a framework for understanding loss and grief. After outlining natural responses to loss, Dr. Hanbury will […]
CHPCA’s Learning Institute
Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association 2020 Virtual Learning Institute Stream 1 - Communication in Serious Illness: An Innovative Approach to Clinical Care and Quality Improvements Faculty: Justin J Sanders, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Ariadne Labs; Nicole Wikjord, First Nations Health Authority; Kathleen Tue, BC Centre for Palliative Care; Dr. Gillian Fyles, BC Centre for Palliative […]
Media Relations, Social Media, Crisis Communications
Hospice Palliative Care Ontario and Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association invites you to attend a suite of webinars on Media Relations, Social Media, Crisis Communication Begins Thurs, Nov 19 9-10am PST The following suite of sessions focusses on understanding and preparing for communications planning, media relations and social media. Each session is led by former […]
Media Relations, Social Media, Crisis Communications
Hospice Palliative Care Ontario and Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association invites you to attend a suite of webinars on Media Relations, Social Media, Crisis Communication Begins Thurs, Nov 19 9-10am PST The following suite of sessions focusses on understanding and preparing for communications planning, media relations and social media. Each session is led by former […]
Expand Your Influence as a Leader in Dementia Care
Hosted by SafeCare BC Your influence as a leader has a major impact on the success of your organization and the company culture. With the growing percentage of residents living with symptoms of dementia in long-term care homes, enhanced skills and transformed mindsets will be necessary. Join Karen Tyrell a Dementia Consultant and Joanna Li […]
Session 3 Topic – Anti Racist Practice–Anti-Racist Tools for the Palliative Care Context Part 1
Competencies – Domain 1 – Principles of PC & palliative approach. Promotes and supports the adaptation of palliative principles in all care settings through capacity building of other care providers/community partners as appropriate for role. Domain 2 – Cultural safety & humility. Advocates for incorporation of the person’s and family’s cultural traditions, beliefs, expectations, and preferences into decision making, care planning and service delivery models. Advocates for changes in policy to facilitate incorporation of culture into care. Domain 4 – Comfort & quality of life. Adapts care to address person’s fears and anxieties related to past trauma. Domain 7 – Professional & ethical practice. Participates in community awareness and engagement activities to build understanding, capacity, and inclusion. Addresses micro, meso, and macro factors that influence PC (e.g., internal and external barriers, social determinants of health). Domain 8 – Self care. Identifies team and organizational barriers and issues and works collaboratively to address them. Promotes an organizational culture that is safe for expression of multiple perspectives and practicing within ambiguity. Define the concept of race as a social construct and identify the ways it is manifested systemically. Describe how to Link PC practice to Anti-Racist practice through honouring our values and each other at the organizational level. Describe the barriers to responding to racism and identify how racism in the workplace impacts individual staff, clients, client service, and organizational culture. Describe how to respond competently to racial comments, behaviours or policies in the workplace setting through a stance of cultural humility (compassionate, reflective, non-judgmental). Develop a deeper understanding of intersectionality, privilege, and marginalization.Describe how to advocate against racist and discriminatory remarks and systems. Understand and describe how end of life circumstances present challenges and opportunities in cultural understandings of “Quality of Life”.
Media Relations, Social Media, Crisis Communications
Hospice Palliative Care Ontario and Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association invites you to attend a suite of webinars on Media Relations, Social Media, Crisis Communication Begins Thurs, Nov 19 9-10am PST The following suite of sessions focusses on understanding and preparing for communications planning, media relations and social media. Each session is led by former […]
National Bereavement Day Webinar
Please join the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association (CHPCA) and the Quality End-of-Life Care Coalition of Canada (QELCCC) for a free webinar to learn about new exciting work being done! November 26, 2020 9am-10:30am PDT In this webinar: Updates from National Bereavement Day – highlights of the 2020 National Bereavement Day and Saying Goodbye Virtual […]
Managing Stress and Burnout during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Project ECHO COVID-19 Global Conversations The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on the mental health of individuals across the globe. Healthcare workers are particularly vulnerable to burnout and increased stress. This session addresses: • Impact of COVID-19 on mental health • Managing burnout for healthcare employees • Individual practices to promote resiliency Presenter: Jeff […]
Giving Tuesday: Saying Goodbye
On #GivingTuesday, the Canadian Hospice Palliative Association (CHPCA) wants Canadians to know that grief is a shared journey that fosters compassion and encourages them to cope with their grief by supporting each other through living and grieving. We might be physically distant, but we are together in grief. As COVID-19 continues to cause concern for […]
Managing Through the COVID-19 Crisis
Center to Advance Palliative Care This Virtual Office Hour is free and open to all, but space is limited. Sessions will be added on an ongoing basis. This session will provide an opportunity to discuss managing the before, during, and after of the COVID-19 pandemic and the short- and long-term impact on your palliative care […]
A Gathering of Loss, Healing, and Hope
Are you carrying sorrow this holiday season? Join Virtual Hospice's free virtual gathering with spiritual leaders from across Canada to find consolation, hope, community, and light a candle honouring your loss. Glen R. Horst, CVH Spiritual Care Advisor will lead a 45-minute virtual gathering featuring consolations and blessings from spiritual care leaders from across Canada […]
Session 4 Topic – Anti-racist practice–Anti-Racist Tools for the Palliative Care Context Part 2
Competencies – Domain 1 – Principles of PC & palliative approach. Promotes and supports the adaptation of palliative principles in all care settings through capacity building of other care providers/community partners as appropriate for role. Domain 2 – Cultural safety & humility. Advocates for incorporation of the person’s and family’s cultural traditions, beliefs, expectations, and preferences into decision making, care planning and service delivery models. Advocates for changes in policy to facilitate incorporation of culture into care. Domain 4 – Comfort & quality of life. Adapts care to address person’s fears and anxieties related to past trauma. Domain 7 – Professional & ethical practice. Participates in community awareness and engagement activities to build understanding, capacity, and inclusion. Addresses micro, meso, and macro factors that influence PC (e.g., internal and external barriers, social determinants of health). Domain 8 – Self care. Identifies team and organizational barriers and issues and works collaboratively to address them. Promotes an organizational culture that is safe for expression of multiple perspectives and practicing within ambiguity. Become aware of own level of Racism profile through use of self-assessment tools and anti-racism growth chart. Become more comfortable with using anti-racism tools through application of ACTION tool to a case study. Describe how to respond competently to racial comments, behaviours, or policies in the workplace setting through a stance of cultural humility (compassionate, reflective, non-judgmental) in practice. Describe the barriers to responding to racism and identify how racism in the workplace impacts individual staff, clients, client service, and organizational culture
CPCNA Town Hall: Sharing Stresses and Successes: Love in Professional Practice
Canadian Palliative Care Nursing Association Town Halls (COVID-19) This is an opportunity to connect with palliative care nurses from across Canada to share our stresses and successes in practice in the face of COVID- 19. Kath Murray, and educator and author, will be presenting briefly on the Ten Principles of Love in Practice, followed by […]
Implementing the COVID-19 Toolkit and Best Practices for Serious Illness Conversations using Telehealth
The next webinar from the Serious Illness Care Community at Ariadne Labs will be tomorrow, February 9 at 12 pm ET (New York/America). Drs. Erik Fromme and Suzanne Mitchell, Ariadne Labs Faculty, and Nancy Joyner, NP and Danielle Miltz, PA, Community of Practice Ambassadors. Dr. Fromme will give a short overview of the Serious Illness Care […]
Session 5 Topic – Supporting children–Play Therapy: Exploring Serious Illness & How to Help
Competencies – Domain 1 – Principles of PC & palliative approach. Utilizes a holistic approach to care with awareness of how illness, death and bereavement impacts all aspects of person’s and family’s functioning. Domain 2 – Cultural safety & humility. Facilitates expression and inclusion of the person’s and family’s values, beliefs, and wishes during declining health and bereavement. Domain 3 – Communication. Facilitates different conversations with families and members of the inter-professional team. Understands how fatigue, weakness and imminent death may impact communication and helps person/family and inter-professional teams interpret other forms of communication (e.g., symbolic communication, gestures, facial expressions). Domain 5 – Comfort & quality of life. Provides developmentally appropriate non-pharmacological interventions within own expertise appropriate including art, play therapy, and relaxation for relief of distress. Refers to other resources as needed. Domain 6 – Loss, grief, and bereavement. Understands the characteristics and challenges of grieving for a child or youth. Provides counselling support or refers as appropriate. Domain 8 – Self care. Understands and attends to the impact of death, dying, and bereavement on caregivers (self, family, team, professionals). Describe strategies to assist parents/caregivers in sharing serious illness information appropriately with children Describe issues and barriers related to connection between the seriously ill person and a child and how to address same Describe activities and play therapy techniques that may be helpful for children along the illness trajectory and at EOL
Briefing: Palliative Care Outlook in 2021 – Results of a National Survey (USA)
Join us as Dr. Diane Meier reveals the findings of CAPC’s second COVID field survey. Nearly a year into the crisis, how has COVID-19 affected palliative care programs? Who should attend: All palliative care professionals, and all health professionals focused on strengthening care for patients with serious illness during the COVID-19 pandemic. CAPC is located […]
Part 1: Learn How to Facilitate Well-Being Debriefings within Your Organization
The COVID-19 pandemic is taking a stunning toll on the emotional well-being of health care workers. Many of us are looking for proven strategies to mitigate the natural stress, empathy strain, and moral distress that we are experiencing. In this two-part webinar series, Vickie Leff, LCSW, will train attendees to be peer facilitators for well-being […]
CPCNA Sharing Stresses and Successes: Wellness Check-In
Canadian Palliative Care Nursing Association Town Halls (COVID-19) This is an opportunity to connect with palliative care nurses from across Canada to share our stresses and successes in practice in the face of COVID- 19. Michelle O'Rourke, a nurse author and counsellor, will guide our discussion as we discuss how we are doing after a […]
Webinar: Adapting the Serious Illness Conversation Guide for Pediatrics and Polypharmacy
Hosted by: Ariadne Labs Many members of the Community of Practice have expressed interest in adapting the Serious Illness Conversation Guide to better serve their specific patient population or practice setting. This month, we welcome Drs. Danielle DeCourcey and Kristie Weir to describe why they chose to use the conversation guide and how they adapted […]
Transforming the landscape of longterm care: What has COVID-19 taught us?
Event Hosted by: Canadian Virtual Hospice Event Cost: Free Join us for a discussion about the impacts of COVID-19 on families and healthcare providers, integrating a palliative care approach and how to drive lasting improvements to long term care. Email [email protected] to reserve your spot.
Advance Care Planning and Goals of Care Discussions: Getting us all on the same page (plus practical tips!)
Event Organizer: Pallium Canada Event Host and Moderator: Dr. José Pereira MBChB, CFPC(PC), MSc, FCFP Panelists: Jeff Myers MD, MSEd, CCFP(PC) and Leah Steinberg MD, MA, CFCP Despite advance care planning (ACP) and goals of care discussions (GOCD) becoming healthcare priorities, there remains widespread uncertainties about the overall purpose, approaches and outcomes of ACP and GOCD. This […]
Illness, Suffering and Spirituality: The Path to Hope and Healing
Event Organizer: Compassionate Ottawa Event Cost: Free In this conversation, Lorraine M. Wright will talk with Marion Rattray about practical and thoughtful ways that we can engage with each other when neighbours, friends, or patients are experiencing serious illness or loss in their lives, or are caring for a family member. Lorraine will draw on […]