Events for Health-Care Professionals
The team at BCCPC has gathered links to education events designed for Health Care Providers caring for people affected by life-limiting illness. The events are not created or endorsed by BCCPC unless stated in the description.
Week of Events
Social Work Open Discussion COVID-19
Social Work Open Discussion COVID-19
Social Work Palliative Care and Hospice Network (SWHPN) social workers will be hosting virtual chat rooms on Mondays thru Thursdays at 7:00 pm Eastern (4:00pm Pacific) for any social worker as well as any hospice and palliative professional on a weekly basis. These will not have formal topics but will be focused on being safe […]
Role of Grief and Bereavement in the Care of Health Care Providers and their Families during COVID-19
Role of Grief and Bereavement in the Care of Health Care Providers and their Families during COVID-19
Pallium, in collaboration with Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada), is hosting a series of webinars in the upcoming weeks focused on topics that are relevant to our health care teams who are actively leading the response to COVID-19. Register now, space is limited. For more information on these webinars and to access past webinars visit Pallium Canada's […]
Navigating the Impact of COVID-19 in Palliative Care
Navigating the Impact of COVID-19 in Palliative Care
Centre to Advance Palliative Care's (CAPC) virtual office hours are small-group consulting calls with leading subject matter experts. Experienced faculty will answer your questions on a wide variety of challenging topics. Stay on for the whole hour, or hop on, hop off. This Virtual Office Hour is free and open to all, but space is […]
Communicating with Patients and Families during COVID-19
Communicating with Patients and Families during COVID-19
Centre to Advance Palliative Care's (CAPC) virtual office hours are small-group consulting calls with leading subject matter experts. Experienced faculty will answer your questions on a wide variety of challenging topics. Stay on for the whole hour, or hop on, hop off. This Virtual Office Hour is free and open to all, but space is […]
Improving Communication & Decision-Making in the context of Serious Illness
Improving Communication & Decision-Making in the context of Serious Illness
The Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation, MDs4Wellness, and the Fraser Northwest Division of Family Practice are pleased to bring you: Improving Communication and Decision-Making (and compassion satisfaction) in the context of Serious Illness (like COVID-19) Presented by Dr. Daren Heyland Thursday, April 23rd at 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm Zoom connection details
Grief and COVID-19 for healthcare providers: Staying connected in a time of loss and uncertainty
Grief and COVID-19 for healthcare providers: Staying connected in a time of loss and uncertainty
Free webinar through Canadian Virtual Hospice. Presenters: Dr. Christopher MacKinnon (PhD, OPQ) and Marney Thompson (MA, RCC) To join the meeting: