Events for Health-Care Professionals
The team at BCCPC has gathered links to education events designed for Health Care Providers caring for people affected by life-limiting illness. The events are not created or endorsed by BCCPC unless stated in the description.
Week of Events
Illness, Suffering and Spirituality: The Path to Hope and Healing
Illness, Suffering and Spirituality: The Path to Hope and Healing
Event Organizer: Compassionate Ottawa Event Cost: Free In this conversation, Lorraine M. Wright will talk with Marion Rattray about practical and thoughtful ways that we can engage with each other when neighbours, friends, or patients are experiencing serious illness or loss in their lives, or are caring for a family member. Lorraine will draw on […]
Session 6 Topic – Prolonged Grief DisorderÂ
Session 6 Topic – Prolonged Grief DisorderÂ
Competencies – Domain 1 – Principles of PC & palliative approach. Utilizes a holistic approach to care with awareness of how illness, death and bereavement impacts all aspects of person’s and family’s functioning.  Domain 3 – Communication. Provides the person and family/caregiver bereavement counselling and psychosocial education through evidence-based frameworks, if within role and expertise.  Domain 6: Loss, grief, & bereavement. Expert consultant regarding loss, grief, and bereavement. Assesses complex grief reactions and situations, such as multiple loss, traumatic loss, and pre-existing vulnerabilities including mental illness and addiction, abuse, and neglect. Domain 8 – Self care. Understands and attends to the impact of death, dying and bereavement on caregivers (self, family, team, professionals). Identify and define Prolonged Grief and distinguish it from ‘normal’ grief Understand and describe the prevalence and psychosocial correlates of Prolonged Grief  Discuss and describe the theoretical orientations and basic interventions used in Complicated Grief Treatment (CGT)Â