Six months into the Grief and Bereavement Literacy ECHO series, we continue to reach a wide audience on a variety of topics on the theme. Moving, engaging, and educational, the Grief and Bereavement Literacy series goal is to bring head and heart together to facilitate change.
The sessions are open to anyone with an interest in the topic personally or professionally. Whether you are currently bereaved, a community organization staff or volunteer, a clinician, or a policymaker, everyone is welcome. Since the series started last summer, 560 people have attended the sessions (mostly from BC, but from other parts of Canada and the world too), averaging 80 people per session. Recordings of the session are posted and available on our website with over 200 views.
Variety of participants enriches the experience
Sessions bring together experts on the topic who share their knowledge and experience through a short presentation. The richness of the session is enhanced by the inclusion of people with lived experience who share their personal stories with the group. The hour is hosted and facilitated with a time for questions and discussion.
We welcome all who share an interest in the topic, which results in participants coming from a wide range of backgrounds, professions and geographical locations. Nursing and Social Work make up the largest professional groups, but we also have Health Care Assistants, volunteers, and community support workers regularly attending sessions.
Beyond these core groups, specific topics draw additional and varied attendance, such as veterinarians attending the Grieving the Death of a Pet session, and paramedics attending Healing Hearts Support – Finding Hope and Resilience After a Substance Use Related Loss.
A wide spectrum of topics
Past sessions recordings, notes and resources are available on our website and can be accessed at any time:
- Healing Hearts Support – Finding Hope and Resilience After a Substance Use Related Loss
- Grieving the Death of a Pet
- Children’s Grief
- Pregnancy and Infant Loss
- Grief and Loss During the Holidays
- Dreaming of the Deceased (People or Animal) Following A Loss
- Sleep After loss
We are excited to continue to plan and program sessions for this series with the next few focusing on teen grief, bereaved parents’ grief, and grief in the workplace. Check our website for upcoming dates and topics.
Want to learn more or have an idea for an ECHO session or series? Want to share your own story of bereavement in a session? We are currently looking to form new ECHO planning team partnerships and would love to hear from you. Email our ECHO team at
Check our webpage for upcoming session information. Missed a session? Check our YouTube channel.
What people are saying about the sessions:
“Thank you to those who shared their personal stories. Very moving and eye-opening.” Following the Healing Hearts Support – Finding Hope and Resilience After a Substance Use Related Loss session
“I have benefitted from these workshops – the fact that they are free and so accessible is a great contribution. Well done!” Following the Grieving the Death of a Pet session
“I really appreciated this session, and thank you to the people who shared their stories.” Following the Pregnancy and Infant Loss session
“The topic was amazing. I believe hospices, funeral homes and hospitals throughout Canada should all be invited to attend such presentations. Seriously!” Following the Dreaming of the Deceased (People or Animal) Following a Loss session