The public toolkit was co- developed by Speak Up and BC Centre for Palliative Care.
The “Living Well, Planning Well” public resource is designed to support public understanding and navigation of the legal processes of Advance Care Planning in Canada.
A national Advisory Committee of legal professionals, health care providers, and patient and caregiver representatives supported its development.
Funding for this resource was provided by the Canadian Bar Association’s Law for the Future Fund grant program.
English version
French version
As well, Speak Up and two legal firm partners: TorkinManes (Toronto, ON) and HarperGrey (Vancouver, BC) also created a complementary toolkit for lawyers and their clients go through the process of ACP.
Funding for this resource was provided by Health Canada as part of a $1.9 million funded project over three years to help people living in Canada prepare for their future health care needs.
English version
French version