Events for Health-Care Professionals
The team at BCCPC has gathered links to education events designed for Health Care Providers caring for people affected by life-limiting illness. The events are not created or endorsed by BCCPC unless stated in the description.
BC Centre for Palliative Care
SIC in a Cancer Setting
onlineSerious Illness Conversation Provincial Collaborative ECHO Session Topic: SIC in a Cancer Setting Antony Porcino BC Cancer
Shattered by grief: Supporting the search for meaning and sense of self in the chaos
onlinePsychosocial Cohort 3: Spirituality Session Topic - "Shattered by grief: Supporting the search for meaning and sense of self in the chaos" Linda Wollschlaeger-Fischer Manager of Counselling and Bereavement Services Canuck Place Children's Hospice
Shattered by grief: Supporting the search for meaning and sense of self in the chaos
onlinePsychosocial Cohort 3: Spirituality Session Topic - "Shattered by grief: Supporting the search for meaning and sense of self in the chaos" Linda Wollschlaeger-Fischer Manager of Counselling and Bereavement Services Canuck Place Children's Hospice
SIC and Cultural Safety
onlineSerious Illness Conversation Provincial Collaborative ECHO Session Topic: SIC and Cultural Safety Nicole Wikjord, RN, MSN, CHPCN (C) Clinical Nurse Specialist, Chronic Conditions and Serious Illness First Nations Health Authority Elizabeth Beddard-Huber, RN, MSN, CHPCN(C) Clinical Lead Serious Illness Conversations, BC Centre for Palliative Care By the end of the session the participants will: Review […]
Broadening the Scope of Ethics in Palliative Care: Shifting towards narrative and relational paradigms
onlinePsychosocial Cohort 3: Ethical Dilemmas in Palliative Care Session Topic - "Broadening the Scope of Ethics in Palliative Care: Shifting towards narrative and relational paradigms" Alexandra Olmos Perez PHSA Ethics Session 1: September 16th, 2022, 9am- 10:00 am The first session titled “Broadening the Scope of Ethics in Palliative Care: Shifting towards narrative and relational […]
Flexing Your Core ECHO-Domain 1: Principles of Palliative Care and Palliative Approach – cohort 1
onlineIntroducing a new ECHO series for all Health Care Providers. These sessions are for anyone working with people who are affected by serious illness incorporating the palliative approach to care into your daily practice in any clinical setting. This short 30-minute session is designed to be a vehicle for sharing your own experience, resourcefulness, and […]
Flexing Your Core ECHO-Domain 4: Comfort and Quality of Life – cohort 1
onlineIntroducing a new ECHO series for all Health Care Providers. These sessions are for anyone working with people who are affected by serious illness incorporating the palliative approach to care into your daily practice in any clinical setting. This short 30-minute session is designed to be a vehicle for sharing your own experience, resourcefulness, and inventiveness […]
Flexing Your Core ECHO-Domain 8: Self-care – cohort 1
onlineIntroducing a new ECHO series for all Health Care Providers. These sessions are for anyone working with people who are affected by serious illness incorporating the palliative approach to care into your daily practice in any clinical setting. This short 30-minute session is designed to be a vehicle for sharing your own experience, resourcefulness, and […]
SIC and Coaching Mentoring Strategies
onlineSerious Illness Conversation Provincial Collaborative ECHO Session Topic: SIC and Coaching Mentoring Strategies Cari Borenko, BA BSW RSW MHS Lead, Advance Care Planning, Fraser Health Authority Andrew Saunderson, BSW, MSW, RSW Social Worker, Advance Care Planning, Fraser Health Authority The health care system and its culture is reactionary and too often downstream focused. As health […]
Flexing Your Core ECHO-Domain 2: Cultural Safety & Humility – cohort 1
onlineIntroducing a new ECHO series for all Health Care Providers. These sessions are for anyone working with people who are affected by serious illness incorporating the palliative approach to care into your daily practice in any clinical setting. This short 30-minute session is designed to be a vehicle for sharing your own experience, resourcefulness, and […]