If not you, who?  If not now, when?  National Advance Care Planning Day is coming April 16. 

Who we are

BC Centre for Palliative Care is a provincial organization established and funded by the BC Ministry of Health to accelerate the spread of best practices and innovations in palliative care.

We work with partners in the health system, community sector, and research institutions to enhance access to high-quality palliative care and support in all care settings and throughout the patient and family journey with a serious illness.  

What we do

  • Provide education opportunities and resources for healthcare professionals and students from all disciplines
  • Work with our health system partners to adapt, test, and spread innovations and evidence-based interventions 
  • Support community-based organizations with seed grants, training, toolkits, and coaching to provide emotional, social, practical, and spiritual support closer to home 
  • Develop user-friendly and culturally appropriate informational materials for British Columbians 

Access our current strategic plan

We do not do this alone

We work with our partners to help British Columbians affected by a serious or life-limiting illness to have the best possible quality of life and to get quality care aligned with their wishes.

  • Learn more here about our valued partners and how we work with them
  • Read about some of our projects with key partners across the province and beyond. 
  • Contact us at office@bc-cpc.ca, if you have an idea for a partnership project with us. We would love to discuss it with you.


BC Centre of Palliative Care is located within the governance structure of the Institute for Health System Transformation & Sustainability (IHSTS) and is supported by its Board of Directors.

We have resources for everyone! 

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