The projects have wrapped up, lessons learned, impacts tallied and reports written – the Seed Grant program cycle ending in June 2021 was a success by any measure.
From all corners of the province, 21 projects were approved for funding, chosen with an emphasis on supporting communities in the time of COVID-19. The 21 projects can be grouped into five general categories of how they used the funding and support to build compassionate communities near them:
• Four projects addressed grief
• Three projects addressed social isolation
• Five projects addressed other forms of psychosocial needs
• Two projects provided practical supports
• Seven projects delivered advance care planning education to the public using the BCCPC toolkit
Although the organizations faced challenges in delivering the projects – especially related to COVID and using an online platform – fully two thirds completely met the project’s objectives and all but one project was delivered on time.
Benefits amplified
Besides doing great work in their communities, another quality shared by our Seed Grant partners is that they “share the love”. That is, they partner with other organizations to strengthen networks of community service, and amplify the benefits of the funding and the projects it supports.
From the 21 projects in this round of Seed Grant funding, a total of 56 partners were engaged, and average of 2.7 partners per project.
By investing in these organizations, BCCPC can widen our reach into communities, and advance the compassionate communities movement across BC.
For a detailed look at the final evaluation report, it’s available here. If you have any questions, or would like information about the next round of funding, please contact Melody Jobse at