Events for Health-Care Professionals

The team at BCCPC has gathered links to education events designed for Health Care Providers caring for people affected by life-limiting illness. The events are not created or endorsed by BCCPC unless stated in the description.

Palliative Care Education & Research Conference, Covenant Health Alberta


This year's theme is Personalized Palliative Care: Caring for People & Communities, Honouring people where they are at. This conference is a virtual event online, and registration is open through Covenant Health Alberta's event website. Ensuring that the needs and wishes of each person with a life-limiting illness and their family are understood.​ Learn about […]

Flexing Your Core ECHO-Domain 8: Self-care – cohort 2


This session focuses on identifying  self-care strategies and knowing how to support others in the workplace. This results in better patient outcomes, increased patient and family satisfaction, improving health care worker well-being, and preventing burnout. Resources: Domain 8 - Session summary notes April 28 Article on Self-care and reflective practice Associated Learning Hub module: Domain […]

National Caregiver Day: Supporting Caregivers Throughout Their Caring Journey


In honour of National Caregiver Day, annually on the first Tuesday in April), Carers Canada is offering webinars on supporting caregivers throughout their caring journey: Valuing the Voice of Caregivers and Patients, Grief from the First Step and Conversations Through the Journey. (Registration for the sessions is complimentary). Panel Discussion 1: Valuing the Voice of Caregivers and […]

Making SICs bite-sized with the Two Question Challenge


Serious Illness Conversation Provincial Collaborative ECHO Presenter: Dara Lewis RN Clinical Educator for the Regional Palliative Approach to Care Education team (RPACE) Vancouver Coastal Health Many patients with serious illness are receiving treatments that may not align with their wishes; in some cases, these treatments may be futile or may cause unnecessary suffering. Serious Illness […]

Flexing Your Core ECHO-Domain 6: Loss, Grief, and Bereavement – cohort 1


Introducing a new ECHO series for all Health Care Providers. These sessions are for anyone working with people who are affected by serious illness incorporating the palliative approach to care into your daily practice in any clinical setting. This short 30-minute session is designed to be a vehicle for sharing your own experience, resourcefulness, and […]

Flexing Your Core ECHO-Domain 3: Communication – cohort 1


Introducing a new ECHO series for all Health Care Providers. These sessions are for anyone working with people who are affected by serious illness incorporating the palliative approach to care into your daily practice in any clinical setting. This short 30-minute session is designed to be a vehicle for sharing your own experience, resourcefulness, and inventiveness […]

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